[arrl-odv:24302] Multiple Telecommunications FUBAR

26 MAY 2015 - 2311 CDT Anybody trying to contact me today, would have hard a hard time getting through to me. 1. We had no land line phone service from about 10:00 AM to about 3:30 PM today. I used my cell phone to inform AT&T that we had no phone service. AT&T crews have started moving circuits to a newly installed underground copper cable and a worker upstream from me probably accidentally shorted or opened a copper wire terminal connection. 2. My Comcast For Business Internet service failed sometime earlier in the morning. But I did not discover this until after I had finished mowing the yard just as the rain started and had eaten lunch. I started trouble- shooting my LAN to make sure I was not the source of the problem. My computers could all communicate with each other, but not the outside world. I then shut down the Comcast modem and proceeded to eat dinner. When I returned to my main computer, I discovered that everything was now working. I've spent the evening processing the email pile and now I'm going to bed. The dual failures were probably a coincidence. But they sure messed up my plans for the remainder of the day. - Dick Isely, W9GIG
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