6 JAN, 2006 - 1500 CST I know that at least some of you are uncertain about the overall direction the FCC has been taking the past several years. Perhaps this NPRM will make things a little bit clearer... At least this message may lighten your day a bit. :) 73 - Dick, W9GIG ========================================================================== NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING Adopted: December 10, 2005 Released: December 14, 2005 Comment Date: 60 days after publication in the Federal Register Reply Comment Date: 75 days after publication in the Federal Register By the Commission: Notice of Proposed Rule Making 1000. A: No radio system owner, or radio system operator, or person or persons acting on the direction, or suggestion, or supervision, of any radio system owner, or radio system operator, may try, attempt to try, or make or make any attempt to try, to comprehend or understand, any or all, in whole or in part, of the herein mentioned Federal Communication Commission Regulations, except as authorized by the Administrator or an agent appointed by, or under the supervision of, the Administrator. 1000. B: If any radio system owner, or radio system operator, or group of associated radio system owners or radio system operators, becomes aware of, or realizes, or detects, or discovers, or finds, that he, or she, or they, are, or have been beginning to, or are about to understand the Federal Communication Commission Rules or Regulations or any of its provisions, (he) (she) (they) must immediately, within three (3) days of such discovery or awareness, notify, in writing, the Administrator. 1000. C: Upon receipt of any such above notice of impending comprehension, the Administrator shall promptly cause said Federal Communication Commission Rules and/or Regulations to be rewritten in such a form and manner as to completely and totally eliminate any further possibility of comprehension by any radio system owner, or radio system operator, or person or persons acting on the direction, or suggestion, or supervision, of any radio system owner or radio system operator. 1000. D: The Administrator may, at his or her option, require any radio system owner, or radio system operator, or person or persons acting on the direction, or suggestion, or supervision, of any radio system owner, or radio system operator, who commit(s), or attempt(s) to commit, or exhibit(s) any propensity to commit, the offense of understanding or comprehending the Federal Communication Commission Rules and/or Regulations, or any part thereof, to attend courses of remedial instruction in said Rules and/or Regulations, until such time as said radio system owner, or radio system operator, or person or persons acting on the direction, or suggestion, or supervision, of radio system owner, or radio system operator, demonstrate that they are no longer capable of exhibiting any comprehension or understanding of anything. Comment period: Persons wishing to comment upon said NPRM have until April 1, 2006 to send in comments regarding the above NPRM to the aforementioned agency, in triple quadruplicate, typed, certified, registered, no carbons, initialed and notarized with a photo identification authorized by the Homeland Security Agency, including original radio system license or licenses, medical certificate, three letters of recommendation from employer, police chief and FBI signifying no felony or misdemeanor convictions, poor work habits or personal disgusting habits which would offend the Administrator, including but not limited to: smoking, drinking, profanity, watching R rated movies, owning cable TV, non-church attendance, voting independent, listening to rap music, joining trade associations, speaking to attorneys, or talking snippy to anyone in Gettysburg. Send comments to: Administrator Federal Communications Commission Docket #: 24857-23.45.3562.A5PU.(6)b Attn: Past Due Comments 125 E SW St. NW, E, S Big Gray Building Third Floor, Second Door on Right Desk 4, In-Basket 7 Near Wastebasket 99-8877 Washington, D.C. 20591 Include $29.95 for shipping and handling payable to: Administrator
participants (1)