[arrl-odv:30918] Phishing Emails

Good afternoon: I've gotten three messages today from members of ODV who have received emails, allegedly from me, asking either if the recipient was free or asking to process a payment of some kind. Obviously, none of them are from me and it's clear from a quick check of the email address (executiveinfo@presbancorp.com<mailto:executiveinfo@presbancorp.com>) attached to my name. As usual, although they try to be somewhat ingenious, these scammers aren't very bright and use syntax that I've probably never used in an email to someone on the Board. One I saw today even referenced that Diane Middleton wasn't around to process a payment. They must have done some research to know that Diane is the CFO and I'm guessing they got lucky (or read her out of office message) as Diane is on vacation this week. Either way, please be assured that these messages are false and are just another in a long line of scams to try and get someone to wire money to an account they will provide. Unfortunately, there are so many of these floating around the Internet, no law enforcement agency is going to try and track it down. Trust me, we've tried. I guess that's why every computer comes equipped with a DELETE key. Have a good weekend. 73, Barry, N1VXY
participants (1)
Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO)