FCC: CW requirement to be dropped

Thirty pages which may just as well have contained no text. If there is no way to attack this complete disregard for the organization which represents more licensed Amateur Radio Operators than all of the other petitioners combined, we might as well go out of business. -- Bob Vallio -- W6RGG Pacific Division Director, ARRL The national association for AMATEUR RADIO On 7/20/05, Tom Frenaye <frenaye@pcnet.com> wrote:
Haven't read this yet but it looks important... -- Tom
7/20/05 FCC Daily Digest
AMENDMENT OF PART 97 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO IMPLEMENT WRC-03 REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATOR LICENSES IN THE AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE. Revised the amateur service rules to elimnate the telegraphy testing requirement. Seek comment on these proposed rule changes. Rule changes proposed by some petitioners are unnecessary, or being considered in the Phone Band Expansion NPRM. by Order. (Dkt No. 05-235). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 07/15/2005 by NPRM. (FCC No. 05-143). WTB <http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-143A1.doc> <http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-143A1.pdf> <http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-143A1.txt>
===== e-mail: k1ki@arrl.org ARRL New England Division Director http://www.arrl.org/ Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444
participants (1)
Bob Vallio