[arrl-odv:23123] HR4969 Webinar Registration Update

Got 261 registered so far. Here is the state info AL Count 9 CT Count 1 DC Count 2 DE Count 7 FL Count 60 GA Count 22 IA Count 5 ID Count 1 IL Count 1 KS Count 7 MD Count 19 MI Count 3 MN Count 10 MO Count 19 MS Count 2 NC Count 2 ND Count 2 NE Count 6 NJ Count 11 NY Count 28 OH Count 2 PA Count 29 PR Count 2 RI Count 1 SD Count 7 TN Count 1 TX Count 2 Grand Count 262 Also, here are comments received so far I live in a deed restricted area in Florida, I have, woods, a stream and farmland behind me, (Cow Pasture). No reason I can't have a wire antenna and a vertical for vhf/uhf communications. I DO NOT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THIS WEBINAR BUT WILL INVESTIGATE AND WILL LISTEN IN Thank you for the invitation to join this discussion of HR 4969 I have been active in seeking Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick to sponsor this act. I received a followup call from DC office Friday. The word is that it is being "looked at". I will be calling Monday 8-11 to continue the pressure. How will it benefit digital Systems such as Dstar I endorse your efforts to protect the rights of amateur radio operators to the same level that direct broadcast TV companies have been protected in the past. State and federal constitutions say that nothing can be done to impair contracts. Deed restrictions and restrictive covenants are part of the 'contract' the buyer signs.How can a federal pre-emption not run afoul of the contract impairment issue? antenna restriction. I live in a restricted antenna area. I am a big supporter of this happening. With the solar activity being at perhaps a all time average low, better antennas are much needed. If HR4969 becomes law, will the "reasonable accommodation" provision be extended to existing deed restrictions and restrictive covenants? Curious to hear how this will effect restrictions for antennas, towers, etc. In areas that force you to sign agreements prohibiting such items, before allowing tenancy in those parks and/or apartment complexes. Also homeowners living within CCD areas. 1 - Multiple rooftop antennas. 2 - Tower and downguy applications. Live in a covenant neighborhood but several houses tore up agreement. Is this a watch/listen only or do I need to hook up my mic? Looking forward to the webinar. live in the Villages FL- largest ret. comm. in World. Ant. are prohibited! These include sat. TV ant, which are allowed. Hams here put ant. in their attics (poor results), and put up Flag poles with the ant. inside. flag poles are lim. to 17' to 22'. THANK YOU FOR ARRANGING THIS ACTIVITY. Will the Federal Government & or (FCC), ever have the states/cities's/any restricted area, fully accommodate all amateurs, citing those who do not? H.O.A.'s forbid ham antennas yet portable basketball hoops are OK. Exposure presented to the eye with a vertical antenna is less than a pole supporting a backstop. H.O.A.'s allowing outdoor sports equipment should permit similar sized ham antennas. Just hope that instructions on how to get connected to the Webinar will follow. I could use a concise 1 or 2-paragraph description of the bill to speak to my Congressman or staff, by telephone (or possibly in person). It SHOULD mention the previous bill that had directed FCC to study the issue. Let's get this Bill passed! When is the bill expected to be signed into law? I have not used my license. Will finally use it when I move to my mountain cabin in Colorado at 9100ft in a yr or so. I don't know if this Webinar is relative for my situation now. I think it would be. Also, will it be available as a download? How might this affect QTHs in Baltimore City historic neighborhoods? I love in one, and thus far have not been bothered by neighbors... You never know when /if that will change. HR4969 needs to pass. What is "reasonable accommodation?" Would we be restricted to simple wire antennas or would a modest tower and beam be possible? It seems to me that "reasonable accommodation" is wide open for interpretation. Exactly what can an FCC licensed resident of townhouse community erect at his owned residence home site? Best wishes to all the presenters that no technical problems antagonize Murphy! How will this bill effect us in State/Federal Parks? Environmental Organizations agencies have had the upper hand.especially here in the ADK park Have lived in restricted home owners association for 24 years so I have been mobile HF we really need a changed here in Coral Springs Fl. Hope this HR will help. How will you overcome the opposition argument that we have too much Big Government over reach into "private matters" ? I hope the Bill will pass, but I fear in this climate more government intrusion will not be welcomed, no matter how well intentioned.
participants (1)
Bill Edgar