[arrl-odv:25800] E&E "Issue 3"

The very first knowledge I had of any ethics complaints against me was when I received the notice of disqualification from E&E. I was never asked about any communications with Gigaparts, instead Sarratt's allegations were taken as factual. Had E&E contacted me for further information, they would have learned that Robby Sperr and I sat beside each other at the Huntsville DX Dinner just prior to our email exchange. At dinner, Robby indicated that he had run a couple of unique ads in QST in the past and also indicated a potential issue with ARRL advertising. Our email exchange began with Robby emailing me which QST issues the ads had been in. It continued with a discussion of the potential advertising issue and it concluded with my letting Robby know about the issue of Sarratt's campaign website being hosted on the GigaParts server and its potential to come out in the election. It is clear that Robby didn't feel threatened or intimidated, "I think Doug honestly wants to do the right thing and, at best, is operating under a misconception, and at worst making the most of an issue to improve his chances of winning." (Exhibits A-D.PDF, page 15, paragraph 3) Yet, E&E wrote the following with no attempt to discover my relationship with Robby or the context of the communications, "Election Candidate Sarratt's complaint against Mr. Rehman deals with intimidating conduct of Rehman relative to Gigaparts and the threats that Rehman made to Gigaparts to make an issue out of Gigaparts' hosting of a web site for Sarratt. This is viewed by the Committee as an unfair election tactic. While Gigaparts is not an ARRL advertiser at present, Mr. Rehman's attempted intimidation of Gigaparts to cease any web hosting or other support for Mr. Sarratt's candidacy for ARRL Director stands to create an antagonistic attitude between ARRL and Gigaparts that is damaging to ARRL's industry relations." (Report to the Board Concerning Doug Rehman K4AC FINAL.PDF, page 8, first paragraph) No request was made or implied for Robby to "cease any web hosting or other support for Mr. Sarratt's candidacy.". In fact, my statements about the hosting were concluded with, "I provide the foregoing only as a heads up to an interested party. I'm not asking for any action, complaining to you, or seeking a reply on it." Doug K4AC
participants (1)
Doug Rehman