[arrl-odv:20000] IN-News

<<061511.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 24 June 15, 2011 -- Covers the period June 5-11. Upcoming Meetings and Events Programs & Services Committee: June 18 @ 8:30am -- ARRL HQ Administration & Finance Committee July 14 @ 8:30am -- ARRL HQ Annual Board Meeting July 15-16, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP Field Day promotional activities are going full blast with more to come in the final days. The main shooting is completed for the 2011 video and editing work now begins with the goal of a September release. The hard copies of the annual report have come in and so far all requests have been filled. We had an absolutely wonderful time at Plano and a short video from there has been posted to the "Now Hear This" Web page. The Media Hits column has been completed and Allen will be on vacation June 15-19. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The ARRL Diamond club has reached 49% of its 2011 goal - $137,703. The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $145,020 or 41% of its goal. The second issue of Spectrum Defense Matters is scheduled to mail in July. Proceeds of $10,000 were received from the Dormond estate. The funds have been deposited in the ARRL Endowment. Paperwork for the estate of Alfred Friend is nearing completion. The estate proceeds are estimated at approximately $150,000 from four sources. The attorney handling the estate reported that proceeds are for the Education & Technology Program. Development traveled to the ARRL national convention at HamCom and spent time with Maxim Society donors and other prospects who were in attendance. An $1,000,000 estate commitment to the Second Century Campaign was received and signed by CEO Sumner. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The July/August issue of NCJ and the 4th printing of The ARRL Operating Manual have been released to the printer. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for June 9, 2011. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R May product sales were $336,198. The month's forecast was $308,417. Direct sales were $229,708; dealer sales were $106,490. Sales at our exhibit in Dayton contributed $67.5k to direct sales ($65k in 2010, $64k in 2009). New titles contributed to the month's gains, including ARRL's Small Antennas for Small Spaces at $27,059, and ARRL's Hamspeak: A Dictionary for Radio Amateurs at $6,981. Purchases of 2011 Field Day gear (shirts, hats, and pins) totaled nearly $29k this month. We have returned from the very successful 2011 ARRL National Convention, hosted by Ham-Com in Plano, Texas. We appreciate the hospitality extended to the ARRL team of officials, staff and volunteers by Director David Woolweaver K5RAV, Vice Director John Stratton N5AUS, and the entire Field Organization in the West Gulf Division. Convention goers descended upon ARRL EXPO, the centerpiece of our convention activities, throughout the 2-day event. ARRL staff and officials supported 8 forums. Certificates were issued to operators of W1AW/5, organized in 2 communication trailers. The (lively) Wouff Hong Ceremony was attended by nearly 100 members. There were 237 memberships taken in Plano (155 in Huntsville in 2007), including applications from 69 new and lapsed members. There were 2 Life membership applications made (and paid in full). Membership dues totaled $14,523, representing 436 membership years. We'll report on publication sales once the skids of remaining inventory have returned from Plano. A photo album from the event is posted on the ARRL Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150204720612408.320453.20069 212407&l=233b2f2e9e> page. A consolidation of the front desk telephone into the larger member services phone group was completed on Monday morning, June 6. The following incoming lines are now managed by the entire member services team: 860-594-0200 (main number), 860-594-0214 (Technical Information Service), 888-277-5289 (Membership and Publication & Product Sales), 800-326-3942 (800-32-NEW HAM, the New Ham Hotline). We continue to work closely with staff throughout the building to properly route and service callers. In many instances, team members are able to assist callers without transferring. During the last 2 weeks, the warehouse crew fulfilled 1,427 packages for publication and product orders, 1,574 membership premiums (with help from the mailroom staff), and QST mailing supplements. Materials have been produced, assembled and shipped for Ham Radio 2011 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Europe's big Amateur Radio convention runs June 24-26. The shared ARRL and IARU exhibit space will be staffed by Dave Patton NN1N, Brennan Price N4QX, Jay Bellows K0QB, IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH and IARU Secretary Rod Stafford W6ROD. ReadEx is readying the final draft of a questionnaire supporting the digital QST survey project. The survey will be conducted by mail and email. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team In advance of the Friday, June 10, receipt deadline for Section Manager nominating petitions for this particular election cycle, Daniel Stevens, KL7WM, of Kent, Washington, submitted a nomination to run for the Western Washington Section Manager's position. Incumbent Western Washington SM Jim Pace, K7CEX, had previously been nominated to run for office. There will be in election this summer in Western Washington. Also, as mentioned earlier in the month, the Georgia Section will also have an election. Leona Adams has been handling the administrative tasks leading up to these elections. Incumbent West Virginia SM Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY, submitted her petition before the June 10 deadline. After the petition deadline, no other nominations were received from West Virginia, so Ann's new term of office begins October 1. In addition, there are more incumbent Section Managers that are not facing opposition. They following SMs will begin new terms of office starting on October 1: David Greenhut, N6HD (Los Angeles); Lee Cooper, W5LHC (South Texas); Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV (San Francisco); Ron Murdock, W6KJ (Sacramento Valley); Mark Tharp, KB7HDX (Eastern Washington). In Colorado, Jack Ciaccia, WM0G, of Boulder, was the only nominee for Section Manager's position. Incumbent Jeff Ryan, K0RM, decided not to run for another term. Steve Ewald traveled to the ARRL National Convention and met with Field Organization members and Section Leaders, among many others. He conducted a forum about the Field Organization and assisted Mike Corey at the Emergency Communications and Public Service booth in the ARRL Expo. Several complaints were received regarding the 147.435 MHz repeater in California and they were forwarded to the FCC for their information along with complaints and information about 14313 kHz. Questions handled this week included Field Day, cross band repeater operation, home station identification, limiting the use of a repeater, listing items for sale on nets, and identification on repeaters with remote inputs. Northern Florida OOs are checking out interference to a 75 meter net. Chuck also prepared for his trip to the Tennessee State Convention. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 7/4 Holiday Leona Adams 6/22 Vacation `` 7/1 Vacation `` 7/22 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 7/20 Vacation Joe Carcia 6/17 Vacation `` 7/1-7/8 Vacation `` 7/15 Vacation `` 7/22 Vacation `` 7/29 Vacation Steve Ewald 6/23 Vacation Steve Ford 8/8-8/12 Vacation Mike Gruber 7/11-7/15 Vacation Dan Henderson 7/5-7/8 Vacation Mary Hobart 6/17-6/20 Vacation Amy Hurtado 6/24 Vacation `` 7/8 Vacation `` 7/15 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 6/24 Vacation `` 7/25-7/29 Vacation `` 8/8-8/12 Vacation Joel Kleinman 6/14-6/15 Vacation `` 6/23 Vacation Zack Lau 6/16-6/17 Vacation Rose-Anne Lawrence 6/20-27 Vacation Diane Petrilli 8/8-8/12 Vacation `` 8/31-9/2 Vacation Allen Pitts 6/15-6/17 Vacation `` 7/1 Vacation `` 7/20-7/22 Vacation `` 7/28-7/29 Vacation John Proctor 6/22-7/8 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 6/13-6/16 Vacation Dave Sumner 6/27-6/28 Vacation Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings Brennan Price 6/13-6/22 ITU-R Working Party 5A, Geneva Dave Patton 6/23-6/26 Friedrichshafen, Germany Brennan Price 6/23-6/27 Friedrichshafen, Germany Brennan Price 7/13-7/16 BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT Brennan Price 8/5-8/6 Texas State Convention, Austin, TX
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ