[arrl-odv:34573] 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition and pileup behavior

To All, You may remember Brennan Price N4QX, the former Chief Technology Officer of the ARRL. Brennan lives in my Division, and we had the discussion below my signature. Information about the Bouvet DXpedition has been conspicuously absent from news coverage by the ARRL. This is the #2 most wanted DX entity according to Clublog. The story up to this point writes itself. The 3Y0J website is <https://www.3y0j.no/> Amateur Radio | 3Y0J The Bouvet Island DXpedition and they are posting to Facebook. The Daily DX is copyrighted, although the ARRL may have an "in" with Bernie. A request for reprint would be all that is required. For those not into DXing, the behavior of hams on the air and on the DX Packetcluster has been disgraceful and seems to be getting worse. It is doubtful that our urging to follow the DX Code of Conduct and promoting proper operating methods for this very difficult and dangerous DXpedition may not change the pileup behavior to any great degree, but would at least show our members, our regulators, and allies that we care. '73 de Jim N2ZZ Director - Roanoke Division Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division Website: <http://www.arrl-roanoke.org/> www.arrl-roanoke.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- Was in a rush earlier, do just a few more points (with appreciation that you brought up yours): There is value in specialized information coming in real time from multiple sources. The Daily DX does a good job, but ARRL has significantly more visibility and engagement with a broader audience. I am a realist and admit that any discussion in ARRL media is likely to move the temperature on the air only slightly, if at all. There is nevertheless value, in my view, with members, regulators, and allies, in showing that the organization cares. That piece from three years ago, if I recall correctly, was news of a Colvin grant. In light of that grant, the organization *should* care. Feel free to share this too. Thank you. --Brennan On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 12:55:14 AM EST, James F. Boehner, MD < <mailto:jboehner01@yahoo.com> jboehner01@yahoo.com> wrote: Hi Brennan, You no doubt have heard the disgraceful on the air antics going on with the Bouvet DXpedition. I searched the ARRL website, and the most recent article on the 3Y0J DXPedition was almost 3 years ago. I could find nothing current on this operation. My information has been through my DX websites and Bernie's Daily DX. I've been a DXer for many years, and the DQRM is getting worse. I do agree the ARRL should be the leader in promoting the DX code of conduct, or at least make statements of its importance. Whether it would make a difference is questionable, but it should still be out there, as information on the DXpedition. It is a very good story that would stand on its own. With your permission, I'll be happy to share your comments with the board. Very good to hear from you! '73 de Jim N2ZZ Director - Roanoke Division From: Brennan Price < <mailto:brennanprice@verizon.net> brennanprice@verizon.net> Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:02 PM To: <mailto:n2zz@arrl.org> n2zz@arrl.org Subject: Bouvet in ARRL Media Jim, It was customary for some time for major DXpeditions to be accompanied by frequent and helpful operational guidance in ARRL media, addressing split operation, pileup technique and etiquette, and expectation setting. It was my experience that this guidance maximized operators' enjoyment and likelihood of success--and eventually had a positive impact on ARRL's bottom line when DXCC applications came in. Such guidance is conspicuously absent for the ongoing 3Y0J effort, with no mention whatsoever on either the front page of the Web site, in the ARRL Letter, or, so far as I can tell, in social media. I believe the absence of guidance contributes in significant part to the unpleasant experience on the air, both for the Bouvet team and the rest of the world. I try very hard to disengage from the operation and governance of ARRL beyond the maintenance of my membership and asking questions when they need to be asked to maintain membership services. I cannot here. The International Secretariat of IARU has the resources to do better and an obligation to do so. 73 de Brennan N4QX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
James F. Boehner, MD