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Tom KA2D <ka2d@arrl.net>Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 10:54 AM
Subject: Hello HRU2021
To: W2PW Press Waterman <
pp9pp9pp@hotmail.com>, KS2G Mel Granick <
mel.granick@verizon.net>, K2MFY Ed Whitman <
edwhit@optonline.net>, W2GW John Reiser <
w2gw@arrl.net>, Bill Fastenau <
bill.fastenau@verizon.net>, Bill Hudzik <
w2udt@arrl.org>, K2DO Diane Ortiz <
hamyl@aol.com>, W2NDG Neil Goldstein <
neilgoldstein@gmail.com>, WB2AMU Ken Neubeck <
ken.neubeck@gmail.com>, W2EMN Ed Newman <
djed1@aol.com>, N2MUN Phil Lewis <
n2mun@optonline.net>, WB2BEZ Don Kane <
dwkanepe@aol.com>, W2LIE Phil Lichtenberger <
w2lie@w2lie.net>, K2RB Rick Bressler <
k2rb@icloud.com>, WY2U Mike Kozma <
dmkozma@optonline.net>, W2XS John Meade <
jm416@optonline.net>, Dan Cox <
Daniel.Cox@liu.edu>, K2KNB <
k2knb@arrl.net>, KC2KY Neil Heft <
kc2ky@arrl.net>, K2IZ John Smale <
k2iz@arrl.net>, Ria N2RJ <
n2rj@arrl.org>, N2GA George Tranos <
N2GA@aol.com>, K2TV Bob Myers <
bob.k2tv@gmail.com>, WA2CDL Andy Kirschenbaum <
wa2cdl@verizon.net>, W2JV Peter Portanova <
petew2jv@verizon.net>, John Hale KD2LPM <
Kd2lpm@jrhaleteacher.me>, Jerry Pilate <
n2wgf@arrl.net>, Bill Mozer WB2KAH <
billmozer@gmail.com>, Frank WA2NDV <
wa2ndv@gmail.com>, Howard WB2UZE <
berny450@aol.com>, Larry Berger <
wa2suh@arrl.net>, Rich K2UPS <
As we all know at this time COVID-19 has disrupted personal meetings,
hamfests and other ham radio activities.
The HRU2021 committee is dedicated to make HRU continue.
We have decided to conduct HRU2021 online using a webinar type platform.
What we need to know from our talented presenters who would like to join
us for 2021.
HRU will provide training sessions to ensure a smooth presentation.
A current PC or MAC is required with video and audio.
Details are forth coming from HRU tech persons.
HRU2021 is dedicated to its founder Phil Lewis N2MUN, now SK
We will also remember those hams we lost in 2020.
Please reply to
info@hamradiouniversity.orgThank you and stay safe
Tom Carrubba KA2D