The CEO Search Committee (N2ZZ, K5RAV, K7GM, W9XA, and K0GW) met by phone on Tuesday night, May 14. The primary purpose of the meeting was to review resumes received to date.
As of 5/14/18, the committee received 39 resumes. There is one resume in process which has not been distributed and was not reviewed. We expect at least a few additional resumes to be received by the end of the month.
The committee reviewed the 39 resumes and selected 9 individuals, each to be interviewed by telephone by two members of the committee. Those interviews should occur over the next three weeks or so depending on schedules.
The committee will meet by phone again the week of June 4 to (a) review additional resumes and (b) to discuss results of the telephone interviews as of that date. The review of the additional resumes may or may not result in additional
telephone interviews being conducted.
The committee will meet again by telephone the week of June 18 to discuss the results of all the telephone interviews and to select the 2-4 individuals who will be interviewed in person. The in-person interviews will likely occur during
the week of the July Board meeting, but could occur earlier.
Finally, many of you will be in attendance at Dayton. The committee would like to suggest that, if individuals approach you in the booth or elsewhere and inquire about the search, you mention that (a) a search committee is in the process
of reviewing applicants and (b) if they, or someone they know, have an interest in the position the individual should submit their resume and cover letter by the May 31 preferred submission date.
Rick, K7GM
Frederick (Rick) Niswander, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858