Ladies & Gentlemen:
From Michael Corey on the level of preparedness:
This is an internal update for key ARRL staff and ODV. Ken and I just finished a national partners coordination call with Red Cross. Here are some key points to get a sense of the scope of this storm. * There are currently 17 mandatory evacuation orders in place in South Texas (STX) and 16 voluntary evacuation orders. * Currently 90 people in 7 open shelters. There are 50 shelters on standby. * 600 Red Cross volunteers are on their way to STX including a dozen from CT. * The expectation is that 20,000 individuals will require sheltering for 4 days; 10,000 will require sheltering for 14 days. * This is expected to be a long haul event, up to six weeks. * A 28,000 square mile area is expecting 30-35 inches of rain. * The National Response Coordination Center is at a level one (24/7 operations). We have a channel in through FEMA. * Red Cross has offered use of their Digital Operations Coordination Center in Fairfax, VA to any national partner wishing to use it. * Forecast models indicate Harvey may go back out into the Gulf, potentially gain strength, and make a second landfall in Louisiana. * Next national partner call will be Sunday August 27, Mike will be on the call. Later today we will be on a coordination call with the Tribal Assistance Coordination Group from Bureau of Indian Affairs. Mike Corey, KI1U Emergency Preparedness Manager --Gallagher 08/25/17 @ 1520 Local Tom Gallagher - NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org<mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>