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Candidates may be nominated in accordance with the following criteria, which were adopted as a revision to Standing Order 69 at Minute 38 of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors. 69) Distinguished members of the League may be elected as Honorary Vice Presidents of the League in order to recognize their outstanding contributions to ARRL and Amateur Radio. Candidates may be nominated in accordance with the following criteria. Service Eligibility: (a) Volunteers: Not less than 15 years of service as an official of the League, elected by the Board or the membership. (b) Staff: Not less than 25 years of service to the League, which could include prior or subsequent service as an elected official, similar to (a) above. Achievement Eligibility: (a) Volunteers: Must have made an exceptionally notable contribution to the health and strength of ARRL which is clearly and demonstrably above and beyond the call of duty. Must have demonstrated leadership among leaders, including service as either a committee chairman or officer. (b) Staff: Must have contributed significantly, above and beyond the call of duty, to the efficiency and unity of League affairs. General Consideration: (a) There shall be an upper limit of ten Honorary Vice Presidents. (b) Not less than 60 days before the election of Honorary Vice Presidents, which shall take place only at Annual meetings of the Board, the Officer or Director making a nomination must supply a written biographical sketch to the Directors. This sketch shall fully substantiate the candidate's term of qualifying service and shall spell out in detail the candidate's extraordinary accomplishments that justify election as an Honorary Vice President. (c) No nomination may be made unless there is a current vacancy. (d) No elected official of the League or member of the staff may serve simultaneously as an Honorary Vice President. (e) The election of an Honorary Vice President requires eight affirmative votes cast by secret ballot. Only the fact of election or non-election shall be announced by the tellers. The vote count shall not be announced. ARRL Honorary Vice Presidents: John Kanode, N4MM -- 2003 Tod Olson, K0TO -- 2003 Evelyn Gauzens, W4WYR -- 2002 Edmond A. Metzger, W9PRN -- 2001 Marshall Quiat, AG0X -- 2000 Hugh Turnbull, W3ABC -- 2000 Jay Holladay, W6EJJ -- 1996 George Hart, W1NJM -- 1984 Silent Keys: Paul Grauer, W0FIR -- 1993 L. Phil Wicker, W4ACY -- 1988 Vic Clark, W4KFC -- 1980 J.L. McCargar, W6EY -- 1980 John Griggs, W6KW -- 1980 J. A. "Doc" Gmelin, W6ZRJ -- 1979 David H. Houghton -- 1976 Robert York Chapman, W1QV -- 1975 & 1976 * Robert W. Denniston, W0DX -- 1974 & 1976 * Roemer "Doc" Best, W5QKF -- 1974 & 1976 * Charles G. Compton, W0BUO/W0AF -- 1974 & 1976 * Wayland G. "Soupy" Groves, W5NW -- 1974 & 1976 * F.E. Handy, W1BDI -- 1966, 1974 & 1976 * Alex Reid, VE2BE -- 1966 * * Prior to 1976, Honorary Vice Presidents served only until the next election of Officers. The Annual Meeting in 1976 amended the Standing Order to make the honor permanent. Nomination for 2004 The following nomination for Honorary Vice President was made by Director Goddard on November 17, 2003 and is in accordance with the rules: Dear Director, As you know, our long-time colleague, Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, has announced that he will not be running for re-election as an Officer of ARRL. Accordingly, I intend to nominate Fried as an Honorary Vice President, in recognition of his many years of outstanding service to Amateur Radio and the ARRL. As required by Standing Order 69 (revised at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Board), I am providing a biographical sketch that fully substantiates Fried's term of qualifying service and accomplishments that justify his election as an Honorary Vice President. Please note that Fried's election will be effective as of the adjournment of the 2004 Annual Meeting, to assure compliance with the requirement that no elected official of the League may serve simultaneously as an Honorary Vice President. Your support for this nomination would be appreciated. 73, Art W6XD -------------------------------------------------------------- Fried Heyn WA6WZO 962 Cheyenne St Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Fried Heyn currently serves as a Vice President of the American Radio Relay League. His past ARRL service includes Southwestern Division Director (1984-2002), Southwestern Division Vice Director (1983-1984) and Orange Section Manager (1978-1983). During his tenure on the ARRL Board, Fried has served on all Standing Committees and many Ad-hoc Committees. He served on the Executive Committee (1996-2002) and as Chairman of both the Volunteer Resources and Membership Services Committees. In addition to his efforts within the ARRL Board, he worked tirelessly within his Division to strengthen clubs, councils, frequency coordinating groups, conventions and public outreach events. During his tenure, the Southwestern Division achieved its all-time highest ARRL membership. Fried is a Life Member of ARRL, Diamond Club Member, member of AMSAT, AMRAD, QCWA, 10-10 International, and a Charter Member of TAPR. His on-the-air activities include: ARES, NTS, RACES, and MARS. Awards include ARRL National Certificate of Merit, PSHR, BPL, DXCC (345 Countries) and CHC A-1 Operator. Fried holds an Extra Class license and is a retired math teacher. He shares ham radio with his spouse, Sandi, WA6WZN, and daughter, Margaret, N6KFC. Other interests include ham radio postage stamp collecting, skiing, flute, poker, bridge, sailing, computers and photography. 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