Remember how, when some were quick to claim victory on H.R. 607, we said not so fast it aint over til its over?

This afternoon John Chwat advised us that H.R. 3116, the Department of Homeland Security Authorization Bill, has been reported out of the House Homeland Security Committee with 74 amendments amounting to about 200 pages added by the committee.

Among the amendments is the provision of H.R. 607 that we have objected to so strenuously, calling for the eventual auctioning of 420-440 and 450-470 MHz.

It is not yet clear whether this is the result of simple incompetence on the part of the committee chairman (Rep. Peter King) and his staff, or whether it was a deliberate decision to renege on the commitments he reportedly had made. Either way, the bill is headed to the House floor with this toxic provision in place.

The House committee staff with responsibility for spectrum matters, Energy and Commerce, is said to be livid at this violation of their jurisdiction.

We will be planning strategy over the weekend.


Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
