At the last Board meeting there was some talk about reflective vests for ARES. The Section Manager for San Diego has been looking into this even before it came up at the board meeting, and has found the following. In my opinion, it is a bit on the pricey side, but maybe with a large quantity order, the price would go down. http://cops911.com/AmateurRadioVest.asp I believe the ARES uniform was also discussed briefly, and it is my opinion, that if the Board were to come out and state that a particular shirt, etc were to be used for ARES, it might cause a firestorm bigger than we are experiencing with the Section News. In the San Diego section, they have been using Yellow polo shirts with a large ARES logo on the back for at least 10 years, probably longer than that. These shirts stand out, does not look like law enforcement, and are easy recognizable, easy to spot. Just food for thought. 73, Tuck NZ6T -- ************************************************ Remember, Helping Others....Always Worthwhile!! Southwestern Division Vice Director American Radio Relay League (ARRL) The national association for AMATEUR RADIO Are you a member yet? If not, visit http://www.arrl.org/join.html 2002 SWD Convention, Aug 16-18 For Registration forms, click on http://sd2002.hamcon.net/mainpage.html?registration.html Tuck's Personal Web Page: http://www.qsl.net/nz6t