Of course, this is good news. I understand it comes thanks
not only due to the dedicated work of Bill and his staff, but thanks to the help
of other employees who have been willing to put in overtime. All
good. I congratulate those involved for their hard and profitable
On the other side of the coin, I interpret this situation to mean
that we are approaching the 2/3 mark in February and have to this moment
not worked meaningfully on 2010 submissions. Provided this is true, it
would seem we perennially get behind the proverbial 8-ball in the
latter weeks of each year and as a result we remain behind the 8-ball until
at least well into March of the following year -- all because of a
predictable situation.
That a large number of DXCC submissions comes during the latter
weeks of the year is understandable and predictable. That processing these
submissions annually continues to create extra expense and stress on HQ, and
considerable displeasure among many members would seem to suggest sufficient
anticipation, planning and execution may not have been focused on the
I believe one answer to a major portion of this recurring
problem has been proposed and its introduction promised for the past two or more
years. This is Direct Field Entry. I certainly hope we take full
advantage of the new IT worker the Board authorized so this promise can be
fulfilled in time to minimize if not avoid still another recurrence of the
backlog problem.
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
ARRL Great Lakes
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
ARRL - The national association for Amateur
I am
passing along this update from Dave Patton:
MVP staff, and a few helpers from other Departments, have now completed all of
the 2009 DXCC applications. We are now doing “clean up work” on awards
fulfillment before Bill Moore re-indexes the DXCC database. While
this happens, DXCC will be shut down for a day. Then we will run a DXCC
report and produce the data for the Annual Listing that appears in the DXCC
Yearbook. Later next week, we will begin processing the 2010 applications.
Bill Moore reports that this is the earliest in the year that DXCC has been at
this stage of processing.