One of the misnomers out in the world is that we don’t do online or remote exams at the ARRL VEC.


I asked Maria to send an email to all VE’s to reinforce the fact that we do and that we can help them add that to their testing capabilities.


We’ve received over 50 responses in 24 hours!  Maria is pleased with the initial response and we’ll see how it progresses over the next few weeks.






From: ARRL <>
Date: December 29, 2022 at 7:39:24 AM CST
Subject: ARRL VEC Program Services - We already do that!


Important Message from ARRL VEC






ARRL VEC Program Services - We already do that!


Online Amateur Radio Examination

Since June 2020, ARRL VE teams have gone completely electronic by using a web-based examination system to administer online exams for remote, video-supervised sessions or in-person sessions.


The remote sessions are conducted using a video conferencing platform with onscreen tests. Online exams can also be used at in-person sessions (candidates must have tablets or computers for fully electronic in-person sessions). For teams that prefer to generate and print their own exams, our blue overlay grading template designs are loaded into the program, and they can be used with the system’s printed exams for manual grading. This system replaced our ARRL VE Exam Maker exam-generating software.


The online exam platform includes registering and tracking candidates throughout the session, onscreen exams and grading, online signing of Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCEs) and 605 forms, logging and compiling the session stats and VE participation list, and output files for upload to the coordinating VEC. The program manages almost everything needed to conduct a test session.


Interested ARRL VE team leaders should email the ARRL VEC at for details and instructions on creating an ExamTools account and training with an experienced team.


Electronically File Exam Session Documents

Upload exam session documents for quicker service! This program benefit, available since November 2018, allows rapid processing to the FCC. VE teams can upload paper documents or online exam session files via the ARRL VEC’s secure web page. New and upgraded licenses are transmitted to the FCC within 1 – 2 business days for weekend sessions and are usually transmitted on the same day for weekday sessions.


Please contact the VEC department at for instructions on e-filing exam session documents through our upload page. Authorized VEs will be sent the upload page URL, which is hidden from the public.


Contact ARRL VEC to be more active in 2023!





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