Thanks for the update, Jay.

I would like clarification of some of the points you made,
but time constraints today mean I'll have to postpone
comment for a day or two.

One set of questions that can be whipped out quickly on the
keyboard deals with the constraints you will propose to
put on the Section News to be mailed, presumably on
request.  To start, what of the members who wish to receive
news from two or more Sections?  Will their request be
honored?  Will a request be honored if a member wishes to
receive all 71 Section News every month?

Will members have to somehow prove that they have no
web access in order to receive the special mailings, or will
they be available to all?

Who is going to take care of the chores - special editing of
Section News, maintaining special mailing lists, printing
and stuffing of envelopes, possibly others?

73.  Jim, W6CF

John Bellows wrote:

I had intended to address the issues raised by Jim Maxwell in a single ODV. Because of Wade’s response and Jim’s follow-up ODV I thought it better to address this single point now and speak to the other matters later today or tomorrow. 

The reason for moving Section News from QST to the ARRL WebPage was to better serve our members. On the Webpage Section News would truly be news and not notes prepared six weeks or more before QST hit the mails. Section Managers would no longer be constrained by a limitation of 15 or 20 lines of six point type. The intent was to provide SM’s with a better tool to communicate with members, not just once a month, but as frequently as the need arose.

A scan of the Section Web Pages demonstrates in the past six months the vast majority of SM’s have embraced this new tool and are beginning to exploit its possibilities.

There was never any intent to “leave any member behind.” The challenge was how to get traditional Section News to members with no web access. Initially the plan was to make their Section News available to interested members without web access by postcard. All a member would need to do is mail HQ a request for mailed Section News. When it became apparent that the expanded coverage by some SM’s made use of postcards impractical we began looking into alternatives. 

Since postcards were too small to carry the additional text staff checked into the possibility of sending a single 8 1/2 x 11 page to interested members without web access. The ongoing cost of postage, paper and staff time is about 20 cents each. 

Because of the unique capabilities of the Web it is clear that not everything on every webpage can be included on the printed Section News.Photos and some graphics for example won’t fit on a single page. However any member receiving Section News in this mailed form can be assured that they will continue to receive as much or more news from their section as is currently available in QST. 

Presumably SM’s will continue to want to place the most important information at the top of their Web Pages. The Section Web Page will begin with an “Alert” for breaking news. Next there will be a Text Box. The Text Box will be sufficient to contain one page of news. The contents of the Text Box can be sent to a member without web access by mail and can be sent electronically as a Section email Newsletter to members who sign up for that service. 
