Thank you for your excellent service and leadership, Kent. You will be missed.

Rod, congrats and we are excited to work with you. Please let me know if you need a hand with historical info or context, at least during the time that I served as chairman.

Brian N5ZGT 

On Aug 21, 2017, at 08:14, Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv <> wrote:

Hi all:
Kent has stepped down as PSC Chairman due to his new job commitments. The new Chair of PSC will be Rod Blocksome, K0DAS. Kent has a new job and is busy flying Lear jets. He will remain on the PSC and help Rod with the transition.
Kent, thank you for your work as PSC Chair and good luck with the new assignment. Rod, thank you for taking on the responsibilities as Chair of PSC.
Rick - K5UR
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