Mr. Ritz asks:

If we use the "ARRL Office365 version" of e-mail, will that work with my laptop that already has MS Office 2021 installed on it?   

Yes, but you should update outlook and keep it updated with the Microsoft tool. This will be a safer posture for you.

Additionally, you could consider PURCHASING an e-mail antivirus package for your PC that includes email filtering. Outlook doesn’t do a lot.


From: arrl-odv <> on behalf of Michael Ritz <>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 12:21:46 AM
To: Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Dir,RK) <>; Walls, Brent, N9BA (VD, CD) <>; Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW) <>; <>; <>; Vallio, Bob, W6RGG (2nd VP) <>; <>; Stafford, Rod, W6ROD (Intl Affairs VP) <>; <>; Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (VD, AD) <>; <>; Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK) <>; Norris, David, K5UZ (Dir, DL) <>; Williams, Dale, WA8EFK (Dir, GL) <>; Nomar Vizcarrondo <>; Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ (D,MW) (Mail User) <>; Fred Kemmerer <>; McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX (Dir, PD) <>; Ryan, Jeff, K0RM (Dir, RM) <>; <>; Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <>; David Minster <>; Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:34917] Re: ODV Email Failure
This is a fine kettle of fish. 
I'm one of the ones getting very sporadic e-mails from ODV, and several of my recent e-mails sent to staff at HQ have not been answered as well.  But I'm confused. 
If we use the "ARRL Office365 version" of e-mail, will that work with my laptop that already has MS Office 2021 installed on it?   
Do I then have to get all my ARRL e-mails through MS Outlook, rather than going into my normal Comcast e-mail account on their website, or will they still be sent through Comcast? 
On 06/22/2023 6:57 PM PDT James F. Boehner, MD <> wrote:

Hopefully, I can make this easy.


Contact Leroy Stampp and set a time for a phone call to get your email set up.


He will either instruct you how to set it up or will remote into your computer and set it up for you.


Since I did this, I have had ZERO troubles with my or my addresses.  I receive them on all my computers and my phone, including copies that I send to myself (which was a major problem before).  It took 15 minutes of my time.


My main email address continues to be separate and was not affected by this process.


The email forwarding that we all depended on before is and will continue to be unreliable.  As Brent and Kristen indicated, it is not due to the ARRL. It is a sign of the times and will only get worse. 


I hope this helps.


‘73 de Jim N2ZZ

Director – Roanoke Division

Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia

ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio

Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division



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From: Walls, Brent, N9BA (VD, CD) <>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 8:04 PM
To: Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW) <>; <>;; Vallio, Bob, W6RGG (2nd VP) <>;; Stafford, Rod, W6ROD (Intl Affairs VP) <>;; Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (VD, AD) <>;; Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK) <>; Norris, David, K5UZ (Dir, DL) <>; Williams, Dale, WA8EFK (Dir, GL) <>; Nomar Vizcarrondo <>; Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ (D,MW) (Mail User) <>; Fred Kemmerer <>;; McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX (Dir, PD) <>; Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Dir,RK) <>; Ryan, Jeff, K0RM (Dir, RM) <>;; Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <>; David Minster <>; Norton, Richard N6AA (Dir, SW) <>; Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:34912] ODV Email Failure




You can access the reflector including the archives by using your favorite web browser to navigate to  The reflector has a web interface that organizes all ODV messages by month and year.  You may not have known about this wonderful tool.


I can speak with a certain level of knowledge working full time in the technology field specializing in cybersecurity.  A lot of e-mail providers including the web based (gmail, aol, yahoo) are starting to implement more robust e-mail protections to slow down messages with malicious intent.  Glancing at the membership of ODV, it appears several of the members of ODV are not using the mailbox including yourself.  It is highly likely that an e-mail protection in place by yahoo is slowing or denying the messages coming from the email reflector.  I am sure David or Diane can have Mr. Berry validate my educated guess.


I have been using the mailbox since joining the board family and haven’t missed the receipt of a single message.  I would highly recommend everyone at least subscribe with their mailbox.



Brent N9BA


From: arrl-odv <> on behalf of Richard Norton via arrl-odv <>
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 6:21 PM
To: <>, <>, Vallio, Bob, W6RGG (2nd VP) <>, <>, Stafford, Rod, W6ROD (Intl Affairs VP) <>, <>, Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (VD, AD) <>, <>, Lippert, Vernon "Bill", AC0W (Dir, DK) <>, Norris, David, K5UZ (Dir, DL) <>, Williams, Dale, WA8EFK (Dir, GL) <>, Nomar Vizcarrondo <>, Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ (D,MW) (Mail User) <>, Fred Kemmerer <>, <>, McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX (Dir, PD) <>, Boehner, James, N2ZZ (Dir,RK) <>, Ryan, Jeff, K0RM (Dir, RM) <>, <>, Stratton, John, N5AUS (Dir, WG) <>, David Minster <>, Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO) <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:34912] ODV Email Failure

Yesterday, I called an ARRL Director to discuss a recent message I had sent to ODV on the previous day. The other Director had not received it.


I had been wondering what was wrong with my own email settings, as I have not been seeing the messages I have posted to ODV.


Further investigation has shown that I have not been receiving ODV messages for some time. I have not received 34865, 34878, 34884, 34886, 34887, 34888, 34889, 34890, 34891, 34892, 34893, 34894, 34895, 34, 896, 34897, 34898, 34899, 34900, 34901, 34902, 34903, 34904, 34905, 34906, 34907, 34908, 34909, and any number above 34910. 


I have not been receiving A&F Committee messages either, as well as mail from other committees.


Obviously this is not a problem exclusive to me.


Note that one of the messages I sent to ODV recently was about problems. This is likely to be part of the same issue, that was apparently never addressed


I believe it is staff's responsibility to provide adequate communication for the Board. They have failed to do so.


There is apparently some problem caused by ARRL addresses being designated as spam sources by some ISP's. It is management and staff's obligation to attend to these issues.


It is not a Director's responsibility to solve these problems. We have paid staff to do so. However, I suggest using Director's home email addresses for ODV and other email reflectors rather than, or anything to do with Also, there should be some place on the web-site where ODV and other reflector emails are available for view by the Board members.


I also hope that some method can be found to rectify the problem and provide those of us who have not seen ODV and committee emails to view them.



Dick Norton, N6AA