Hello ALL -It is with a heavy heart that I inform my colleagues onthe ARRL Board of the passing of Bill Tynan, W3XO, of Kerrville, TX.I have received news that Bill passed peacefully on TuesdayAugust 7th.First licensed as W3KMv in 1946, Bill was a past President of AMSATand conductor of "The World above 50 MHz". Bill was a life member ofthe ARRL and AMSAT, a member of the Board of Directors for SMIRK,and a member of the Radio Club of America and the Hill Country AmateurRadio Club.According to his wishes there will be no services. A auto-biographicalsummary of his radio experiences can be found at www.kerrhams.org/W3XO.pdfA message that has been passed along in the VHF reflectors indicate thatMattie, his wife, is being helped by her brother and is doing better.Respectfully,- Kermit Carlson W9XA