Action required by Directors (only). For the meeting this week, we will be using Survey Monkey for secret ballot votes (such as the election for EC and whatever else may come up). This is the method we used at the CEO election meeting. As we did before, I will share my Survey Monkey screen so all can see what I am doing and all can see the results in real time. During the meeting at the appropriate time, I will send an email to each director with a link so they can vote. That email will come from this email address (my ECU address). I need to create a contact list that contains the email address for each Director. I realize that many of you sent me this information for the CEO process, but we have some new people and I want to make sure I have the proper address for everyone. I prefer to use a direct email address (rather than a redirected address such as through ARRL.org). So, ALL DIRECTORS, please send me your preferred direct email address that you will be able to quickly access during the meeting on Friday/Saturday. Please send to me directly and not to the list. Rick, K7GM Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA Professor of Accounting East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858