<<021512.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 35, No. 7 February 15, 2012 -- Covers the period February 5-11. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: March 24 @ 8:30am - St. Louis, MO Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND Since the last report, we attended a very successful SC State Convention in Ladson, SC. Approximately 40 people attended the ARRL forum with a lively Q&A period that followed the usual presentations. Over the last two weeks, the 2012 ARRL Field Day packet was finalized and posted to the web. Thanks to Sean, KX9X, Steve, WB8IMY, Allen W1AGP, and MVP's Sharon Taratula for the work on portions of the packet. We also met with the Field Day logo-design team (Sean, KX9X, Jackie, KB1PWB, and Sue, KB1OKW) to finalize the logo and make final recommendations for the 2012 products. We have begun organizing and planning for a Volunteer Counsel webinar, which is scheduled for March 15 from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Thanks to Ken, K1FUG, for setting up the registration. Presenters will be General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, Midwest Division Director Cliff Ahrens, KØCA (as chair of the ARRL Amateur Radio Legal Defense and Assistance Committee), and the Regulatory Information Manager. The webinar is open to registered VC, ARRL section managers, and members on the ODV reflector. Thanks to the efforts of Illinois Section Manager Tom Ciciora, KA9QPN, and his section legislative team, an amendment exempting amateur radio was included in a current state proposal on the use of electronic devices while mobile. We also worked with Wisconsin SM Don Michalski, W9IXG, on a policy stating that when activated for ARES, responders should not carry firearms, even if they have a carry permit. (Thanks to General Counsel for assistance on this as well). The Regulatory Information Manager has begun working with General Counsel and President Craigie, N3KN, on an upcoming interview/story for QST and the web on where things stand with FCC amateur radio enforcement issues since Laura Smith began the job in 2009. For the article, Smith will respond to a series of questions provided by HQ staff. On Thursday February 9, Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, visited HQ and provided an interesting briefing and Q&A session with HQ staffers that at times provide information to the membership on antenna zoning issues. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP The live webcast of W1AW went off almost without a hitch on Sunday. We are awaiting the video recordings made by Al Petrunti, KA1TCH, and will post a copy to the ARRL website when they are available. Meanwhile, "The DIY Magic of Amateur Radio" video has been entered in the Waterfront Film Festival and will also be in the Santa Clarita Film Festival. It appears to have a good chance of notice in these events. Winner of the PIO planning contest was Chris Tate, KJ4UBL, with Robert Webster, KD8OXJ, and Woody Woodward, K3VSA, as 2nd and 3rd. Prizes of the ARRL Handbook and Antenna Book have been mailed to them. I continue to recruit speakers to present DIY projects at the booth in Dayton and work on the Annual Report. Don Carlson, KQ6FM, has promised to work on an audio PSA for Field Day and Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, was recruited to work on animating the new Field Day logo. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH 2012 Spectrum Defense mugs, pins and certificates have been ordered. Through the middle of February the Spectrum Defense Fund has raised more than $31,900 from 219 donors. The first issues of Spectrum Defense Matters is planned for March 2012 when K1ZZ and N4QX return from WRC-12. The Diamond Club has reached $ 36,920 in contributions from 182 donors. The new Diamond Club logo will be added to all relevant pages on the ARRL website. The Education & Technology Program has received $ 7, 779 in contributions from 41 donors. In addition, two large contributions totaling $25,000 have been received for the Teachers Institutes. The Second Century Campaign (SCC)has received $210,000 in cash pledge payments as of mid-February. Total pledges to the SCC are $2,687,500. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne, K1SFA, and Mike, K1MK, operated as K1SFA in the WPX RTTY Contest (February 10-12) from K1TTT in Peru, Massachusetts as multi/single. Their claimed score of 6,543,740 broke the North America multi-single record set in 2003 by TI5N by more than 600,000 points. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for February 9, 2012. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R The Hotel room block for the National Convention at Pacificon have been negotiated and confirmed at the Santa Clara Marriott. More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the event in October 2012. Work continues with implementing data entry and processes for Digital QST options into our current systems. IT has been proactive in helping create tools and updates to manage the data changes required. Buck slips with the Digital QST announcement began insertion into domestic renewals and the updated International renewal forms began distribution this week. The 2012 ARRL Field Day logo was completed (see www.arrl.org/FieldDay). The design planning team included Jackie Ferreira, Dan Henderson, Sean Kutzko, and Sue Fagan. A Presidents' Day themed email campaign is being prepared for distribution this week. The warehouse team shipped 687 fulfillment & dealer packages this week. 4 QST Supplements were processed along with 322 Free Books . Now Shipping: The ABCs of Software Defined Radio. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Branch Credits Applications 2011 Carryover 190,627 1,511 2012 Received 91,171 661 Cumulative Total 281,798 2,172 2012 Processed 136,389 1,113 Remaining 145,409 1,059 Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 7 Weeks LoTW Processing Time 3 Business Days Logbook of the World Category January 2012 QSO Records Entered Into System 402,043,826 QSL Record Matches 51,720,515 Logs Processed 2,888,543 Active Certificates 71,878 Registered Users in System 47,955 Logbook Inquiries January 2012 Emails 1,409 Phone Calls 136 Total 1,545 W1AW On Sunday, February 12, a live tour of W1AW was conducted and was also available off the ARRL web page. Joe Carcia "gave" the tour to local television station meteorologist Geoff Fox, K1GF. Thanks to Bob Allison, Mike Corey, Harold Kramer, Sean Kutzko, Jodi Morin and Allen Pitts for their participation. Joe updated the web code practice files. He began to re-label the entire Harris antenna patch panel. Joe also installed a new 2500 watt dummy-load - used for test purposes - in the Harris racks. He and Andy Shefrin also assisted with some heating issues for the back-half of ARRL HQ. Tuesday morning, Ken Bailey, Joe Carcia and Perry Green participated in a MARS training net on HF. Also on Tuesday, Joe and Sean participated in a PIC-based satellite tuning aid session with Mark Spencer. Field Organization/Public Service Team Illinois Section Manager Tom Ciciora, KA9QPN, and Wisconsin Section Manager Don Michalski, W9IXG, have been nominated to run for new terms of office in their respective sections. Leona Adams reminds us that nominating petitions for this particular election cycle are due at Headquarters on March 9. One radio amateur from Idaho successfully completed the requirements to become an Official Observer. The FCC is presently following up on a report of a repeater in California that appears to be locked in transmission mode. Also, another incident has been reported where an Official Observer is being taunted on the air regarding an advisory. The Eastern Pennsylvania OOC checked out a report of various incidents happening on a local repeater. Several more complaints were received about interference happening on two well known 20 meter frequencies. Chuck Skolaut passed along these items of information to the FCC to keep them aware of the current atmosphere on the bands. Questions addressed this week included Field Day, MCW, band privileges, antenna restrictions and operating overseas. Thanks to the effort of Digital Content Manager Katie Glass, ARRL Section Managers have been given the chance to preview and test the digital version of March QST. Steve Ewald shared Katie's invitation to the Section Managers via their e-mail reflector, and this generated a number of responses with positive comments, helpful feedback and some questions. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 2/20 Holiday Steve Ford 2/16-2/17 Vacation Scott Gee 3/21-3/23 Vacation Dan Henderson 3/2-3/5 Alabama Section Convention, Birmingham, AL `` 4/19-4/22 Idaho State Convention, Boise, ID Mary Hobart 2/22 Medical Leave Bob Inderbitzen 2/21-2/22 Vacation `` 3/1-3/5 Radiofest, Monterey, CA Khrystyne Keane 2/21 Vacation Joel Kleinman 3/13 Vacation Zack Lau 3/22-3/23 Vacation Monique Levesque 3/9-3/26 Vacation Diane Petrilli 3/22-3/28 Vacation/ASAE Conference, Colorado Springs, CO Dave Sumner 1/20-2/22 ITU WRC-12, Geneva