Congrats Brian who will do anything, spend any amount of money, not to sit next to me at BoD meetings anymore. Now I have to break in two new Vices on either side of me, not to mention a new Director in front of me Sigh!  A Southeastern Vice Directors' work is never done.

A sincere HUZZAH! also to Andy, Coy, and David.

73 Sandy, W4RU

-------------- Original message from "Brian Mileshosky" <>: --------------

Yeah, baby!  I�d like to congratulate all those who emerged successfully this election season.  See y�all in January!


My soon-to-be Vice Director, Dwayne Allen WY7FD, may or may not be able to join us in Houston.  He has an international business trip that�s already been scheduled during that timeframe, though there�s a chance it may slip.  Hopefully it does and I can introduce him to everyone � he�s already met some of you from prior trips to HQ, including this weekend to run Sweepstakes from W1AW.


Happy Thanksgiving and 73!


Brian N5ZGT

ARRL Vice-Director, Rocky Mountain Division

(and after a wild previous three months� ARRL Director-elect, Rocky Mountain Division)