16 FEB, 2002 - 1415 Gentlemen... The message appended below was posted to the Coordinators' and NFCC Remailers a couple of minutes ago. This posting is in response to a request for help in fighting the SAVI Technologies proposal from our president, Jim Haynie. A slightly modified copy of this message will also be going directly to many of my personal friends and supporters in the ARS and to radio amateurs in general via the amateur radio news media. I urge all of you to do likewise. It's time to take off the gloves and get everybody to send messages to the FCC and their federal representatives. 73 - Dick, W9GIG ===================================================================== 16 FEB, 2002 - 1415 CST To All Repeater Coordinators: I am sure many of you have been following, to one degree or another, the progress of SAVI Technologies, Inc. proposal to the FCC that it be allowed to develop and market a family of Part 15 devices designed to operate on the amateur 70 CM band. There are numerous problems with this proposal, but the Federal Communications Commission appears to favor SAVI's proposal. It has now been given a Rule-Making number (RM-10051) and the deadline for Reply Comments (the final round before the Commission issues a ruling) is March 1, 2002. It is rumored the Defense Department (primary user of this spectrum) is going to file reply comments opposing SAVI's proposal. However, there is a lot of money and potential profit at stake and the Commission appears to be VERY business-oriented. Therefore even if other branches of our federal government do officially oppose SAVI, the outcome could still go against the licensed users of this spectrum segment. Time is very short and the delays due to anthrax screening of the U.S. mail going to all branches of the federal government render this mode of communication unuseable. Email with or without attached files, fax, and FCC E-file documents are the only way to communicate our opposition. This is a political process. It is imperative that you also send electronic messages (CC your FCC email and faxes) to your elected federal representatives - to both their local and Washington, DC email addresses. If 10,000 or more hams respond to this call, the SAVI proposal will become a hot political potato - hopefully one that is so hot that the Commission drops it. The ARRL has made four excellent filings in opposition to SAVI every step of the way. These filings and introductory text are now posted on the NFCC website at: www.arrl.org/nfcc You will also find links there that will take you to the FCC E-file web page. Please take the time to download and read these documents before you write your messages. Your Reply Comments must be factual and non-abusive, but VERY firm in your oppostition. I urge you to spread the word among all of your ham friends and non- ham friends who are friendly to Amateur Radio. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION! Let's use the Internet to defend our radio service... 73 - Dick Isely, W9GIG NFCC Secretary