Greetings. Today, the due date, and with the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee, I have filed the attached comments in the Symbol Rate proceeding. I believe that these comments embody the position of most of the Board members who commented on this subject and they are consistent with our Petition for Rule Making and our comments and reply comments filed in response to that earlier. PDF and Word versions of the comments are attached.
Thanks to the entire Executive Committee for their detailed review of this filing and especially Vice President Widin and President Roderick for their helpful edits and substantive input.
Because this remains a very contentious proceeding with differing points of view, it is likely that we will have to file reply comments, as we did with the Petition. The reply comment date is November 10.
73, Chris W3KD
Christopher D. Imlay
Booth, Freret & Imlay, LLC
14356 Cape May Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011
(301) 384-5525 telephone
(301) 384-6384 facsimile