I realize this was a targeted mailing, but I appreciate Doug “letting the cat out of the bag” for those of us not in the targeted areas.


I used the service, and this is one slick tool!


It took my Zip code, and generated a letter to my representative.  I edited it, confirmed it, and the service sent it.  I received an e-mail thanking me for taking action with a copy of my letter imbedded within the e-mail.


Sorry to use it “out of turn”, but since Dan told me that it was coming, I was looking forward to trying it out!


’73 de JIM N2ZZ

Director – Roanoke Division

Serving ARRL members in the Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina sections

ARRL – The National Association for Amateur Radio™


From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kay Craigie
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 10:01 AM
To: Doug Rehman
Cc: 'arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:24893] Re: FW: ARRL Needs your in support of HR 1301 - The Amateur Radio Parity Act


Doug, in this first use of the RallyCongress service we were following up on the visits Mike Lisenco made recently to a dozen or so members of the House. Because there has been a significant learning curve for Staff to climb in how to set things up, I wanted to keep things simple the first time around. In the future, the service will be used strategically to support both short and long term goals. 73, Kay





Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Doug Rehman <doug@k4ac.com> wrote:

Unless I’m missing it, it appears that we are only generating correspondence to the House. Why didn’t we include the Senate so that we could get the most “bang for the buck” for our members’ effort?





From: Henderson, Dan N1ND [mailto:dhenderson@arrl.org]
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2:00 PM
To: Rehman, Doug, K4AC <doug@k4ac.com>
Subject: ARRL Needs your in support of HR 1301 - The Amateur Radio Parity Act


Dear ARRL Member-


For the past year, ARRL has been working in Congress and the Senate to promote the Amateur Radio Parity Act, legislation that would provide some relief on antenna restrictions for Amateurs living in deed-restricted communities. These bills are known as HR1301 is the House and S 1685 in the Senate. Complete information on the legislation is available here www.arrl.org/amateur-radio-parity-act


As part of these efforts, an ARRL official recently visited your representative in the US House and asked for their support of HR 1301. To demonstrate this bill serves the interest of their constituents, we are asking you make direct contact with their office and ask them to support and co-sponsor HR 1301.


ARRL is now working with an organization called RallyCongress, which has set up a website that makes contacting your Representative an easy task.  Please follow the link to 



When you visit that page, simply enter your Zip code in the blank. RallyCongress will then create a custom letter to your Representative. After entering in your personal information (name, address, etc.), you will be able to preview the letter. When you are happy with the draft, you can submit the letter to your Representative by clicking the “send” button.


If you prefer to contact your Representative by phone, RallyCongress provides that information for you.


We are at a critical stage in getting the Amateur Radio Parity Act through Congress. The bill has cleared the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on November 18; we need your help NOW to help the bill clear the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce.


Grassroots campaigns like this only work when all interested parties do their part. Please take a few minutes to let your Representative know this legislation is important to you and all the other Amateurs in your District.


Thank you for your help at this critical juncture. Let’s get this done!




Doug Rehman, K4AC

ARRL Southeastern Division Director

arrl-odv mailing list