There's really no need to bring undue attention to this matter and stir up a controversy that doesn't exit, but if a member asks you about RM-11392 here is a bit of info you can use in responding. I understand the Winlink guys are opposed to it so it will probably create a life on its own. This petition seeks to establish a limited regulation by bandwidth in what is now the RTTY sub-band area in order to eliminate wide band data modes, namely Pactor 3, from being allowed there. Our current board policy supports the concept of regulation by bandwidth, but one that will accommodate all modes and users. Our current position is not to seek a regulatory filing until some time in the future (not yet defined) a consensus can be reach within the amateur community. While we have no plans to comment one way or the other, this petition does not meet the current board policy as stated above. There is also a concern about semi-automatic mailbox operation and interference to existing QSO's. That is a control issue is not directly related to regulation by bandwidth and is best kept separate. The approach we have taken is to treat the semi-automatic control issue as technical rather than regulatory. Specifically, we encourage the further development of listen-before-transmit protocols and their implementation at any automatically controlled digital station, whether operated in the narrow subbands for automatic control specified in 97.221(b) or in other parts of the bands where semi-automatic operation is permitted. Dave and/or Chris are, of course, free to provide any additional input they feel pertinent. Again, there is no need to raise any undue attention to this filing but if you're asked hopefully the above will provide some info for a response if you care to use any of it. 73 Joel W5ZN