

Just wanted to give a clarification on Point 10, paragraph two.


According to the Public Relations Committee (PRC) minutes, The proposed PIC/PIO job descriptions were returned to the PSC in April after considering the revisions suggested by the PSC.  In short, all recommendations were incorporated with one exception.  It is the PRC’s opinion that PIC’s should be required to complete the PR-101 course, while it would be strongly suggested for PIO’s.


These job descriptions, both current and proposed are available here:


These job descriptions were vetted by the SM’s with a positive response, and now have undergone vetting by the PSC, incorporating all but one recommendation.


However, if the approval of these job descriptions this coming week at the PSC meeting  would be held up by the one issue noted above, the PRC would gladly concede on this point.


Reviewing the minutes of the PRC, these job descriptions have been on the table since September of 2010, and have been on their agenda each subsequent month.  The PRC is anxious to get this issue completed.


I would be happy to answer any questions, or provide any information that I have available to me regarding this issue prior to or at the PSC meeting this Thursday.  I am not a member of the PSC, so I will be arriving at the airport sometime Thursday AM.


'73 de JIM N2ZZ

ARRL Vice Director

Roanoke Division

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™


From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Edgar
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 7:58 AM
Subject: [arrl-odv:20025] June 18th PSC minutes


These are the minutes of the June 18th PSC meeting in Newington.

-       Bill N3LLR