*All* * The comments set forth below by Mr. Yonally (N8SY), Mr. Ryan (K0RM), and Mr. Luetzelschwab (K9LA) — all of whom we are advised are the proponents of respect, civility, and the highest ethical standards — have been posted to public forums. I emphasize these are PUBLIC comments and thus the laws of slander and libel apply. Gentlemen, you have individually and collectively splattered the entire Board of Directors of The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated with your bile and invective. Since you have seen fit to publish these accusations, this is a formal request that you back up your publicly published contempt for your fellow Board Members by naming names, dates, and places of the alleged conduct. Don't let me be misunderstood: this is not a rhetorical request and it is not the request of a single Director.* * Mr. Yonally, identify by name, date, and place those "few Board members"* (1) who have crossed the line with insults targeted at other Board members (2) who have crossed the line with misinformation targeted at other Board members (3) who have crossed the line with downright nastiness targeted at other Board members (4) who have crossed the line with insults targeted at members (5) who have crossed the line with misinformation targeted at members (6) who have crossed the line with downright nastiness targeted at members. * Mr. Ryan, identify by name, date, and place those directors* (1) that have lowered themselves to include name calling (2) that have lowered themselves to personal attacks that question an individual's competence, heritage, and or motives (3) that have lowered themselves to generally have emotional distrust or contempt for those with whom they have disagreed (4) that have acted like spoiled four-year olds who didn't get their way. * Mr. Luetzelschwab, identify by name, date, and place the Board member who* (1) called someone on the HQ staff a derogatory name (2) verbally threatened another Board member (3) advanced on another Board member in a physical manner. * The published comments: * *Great Lakes Division Director N8SY: “Over the past several years a few Board members have crossed the line with insults, misinformation and downright nastiness targeted at other Board members and YES, even some of the membership. This type of behavior has got to stop. We cannot allow this so called “free speech” to continue if we are to survive.”* *·Rocky Mountain Division Director K0RM: “In today’s political climate, it has become “OK” to ‘lower oneself’ to include name-calling, personal attacks that question an individual’s competence, heritage, and/or motives; and to generally have emotional distrust or contempt for an individual with whom you disagree. It is my intention to ensure such behavior is not present in the ARRL Board room—because our members deserve representatives that always act in a manner that is consistent with the highest business and ethical standards as would any corporation—non-profit or otherwise. I’m perfectly OK with dissent; I’m not so fond of disrespect. I have been in the minority on votes in the ARRL board room. It goes with the territory. What is not proper is to act like a spoiled four-year old who didn’t get his way.”* *·Central Division Director K9LA: [W]hen a Board member calls someone on the HQ staff a derogatory name, when a Board member verbally threatens another Board member, when a Board member advances on another Board member in a physical manner, etc. [T]hat's what this is about.”* _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________***