Joel, Dave,
FWIW, I support fully the course you have taken regarding
the NSC letter. It would be especially foolish to attempt to pressure NSC
to come up with a statement that more strongly favors Amateur Radio. From
a scientific perspective, again, it would be fully inappropriate for the
Council to issue a statement more strongly in favor of Amateur Radio without actual
data to support it.
Jim Weaver, K8JE,
E-mail:, Tel.: 513-459-1661
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur Radio
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009
2:46 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:18089] RE:
[arrl-odv:18085] FW: National Safety Council reply
I have already given
the correspondence (both directions) to
I believe it is
important to our credibility, as well as to avoid goading NSC into issuing a
possibly damaging clarification, that we be very careful not to claim that the
NSC letter says more than it does. The best way to do that is to provide the
letter in its entirety and not simply to quote from it the parts we like best.
Dave K1ZZ
From: Joel Harrison [mailto:
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009
1:56 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:18085] FW:
National Safety Council reply
My letter to NSC was not confidential, in fact it was
reported on ARRLWeb. The response is not confidential either.
I see no reason why it can't be shared. If someone
else does, speak up!
From: K8JE
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009
12:33 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:18085] FW:
National Safety Council reply
I sent this early this morning, but used an incorrect
address for myself. Therefore, it wasn’t accepted by the system.
Jim Weaver, K8JE,
E-mail:, Tel.: 513-459-1661
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur Radio
From: K8JE []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009
1:20 AM
To: 'arrl-odv'
Subject: RE: National Safety
Council reply
Your latest message caught me just as I was going QRT, but
the topic is so timely for
I am quite comforted that NSC has expressed no reason for
specific concern over Amateur Radio as a known cause of automobile
accidents. As suggested in your transmittal note, this is very heartening
to hear. However, as I suspect you also noted, President Froetscher
conversely failed to recognize AR as being a non-contributor to motor vehicle
accidents. Her decision not to take a position that is even more
supportive of AR is not surprising. From a scientific standpoint, one
cannot prove a negative. On the other hand, few legislators are
scientists so maybe the “preponderance of evidence” or such rule
might be applicable here.
In view of the existence of active cell phone distracted
driving legislation in
I share the NSC letter with the Ohio SM and his SGL at least for their
knowledge and possible use in dealing with the Ohio State Legislature?
what extent, if any, would it be acceptable to share the letter with –
i.e. would it be OK for me to share the letter with the Ohio SM/SGL on a
confidential basis? Would it be OK only to tell them the NSC has stated
it has no evidence to indicate AR is a cause of driving accidents? Would
it be OK to share a digital copy of the letter with the SM/SGL?
Similarly, to what degree is it OK to disclose the letter to
has it been determined yet how best to suggest (to SMs and SGLs) using the NSC
letter to support Field defenses against distracted driving bills?
I’m not certain the above questions have been asked in
the best sequence or if they are truly the best questions to ask.
They might help get the ball rolling, though (in case it isn’t
already rolling).
Nice work in getting NSC to document AR is not a major cause
of hazardous, distracted driving.
Tnx, 73, CL,
Jim Weaver, K8JE,
E-mail:, Tel.: 513-459-1661
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur Radio
From: Joel Harrison [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009
9:19 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: FW: National Safety
Council reply
You will recall I recently senta letter to the National Safety Council
expressing concern that Amateur Radio operators may be impacted by the flurry
of legislation aimed at distracted driving, primarily for cell phone use.
Attached is a response I received from NSC President Janet Froetscher.
I appreciate her quick and factual response and I'm pleased to see NSC shares
our position on distracted driving, especially in regards to the use of amateur
radio equipment.
73 Joel W5ZN