When bringing up the ARRL Field Day locator - www.arrl.org/field-day-locator  didn't the Web locator used to 'work' with on the "Users Login"? 
Meaning...if I logged in (KA2ANF)...the Map would zero in on NNJ area for sites.
Another issue..not sure if new or it always did it...the Zoom feature only shows Sites when its Zoomed in to the size shown in the attachment....Zoom out any more...and the Map shows No Sites...which 'could' give someone the impression of no sites in the area. Does anyone else see this? 
Joyce KA2ANF
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
Joyce A. Birmingham, KA2ANF
ARRL Director - Hudson Division
235 Van Emburgh Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ 07450-2918