Please take a look at the list of last session's co-sponsors, found at https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/4969/cosponsors. If you were involved in bringing one or more of these Congressmen on the bill, please do not delay reaching out again. To whom do we address our messages? TKG provided me with the name and e-mail address of the appropriate staffer in my Congressman's office. Staffs change, so the right person in the last session may or may not be the right person now. I didn't know for sure, so I asked. Please feel free to e-mail TKG to get the contact information for the staffer(s) you want to write to. Matt's address is mkeelen@keelengroup.com. Frank's address is fmccarthy@keelengroup.com. By the way, I heard back from my Congressman's staff person in just a few hours. I'm encouraged by the response. 73 - Kay N3KN