A good exchange below between N6AA and K7GM. The questions are relevant and the answers reflect the situation as I understand it.


-Fred K1VR


From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Niswander, Rick
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2021 2:11 PM
To: Richard Norton; 'arrl-odv'
Subject: [arrl-odv:32817] Re: ^_IMC^_ meetings




The definitive answer to your questions is dependent upon the Board acting, or not acting, on various recommendations made by the current IMC.  The Board will be making those decisions at the January 2022 meeting.  Below is some history, where we are now, and what is likely to be coming up.


The current IMC was formed by motion at the January 2021 BOD meeting.  Its charge is “…to study and recommend to the Board a plan for continuing management of its portfolio…” 


At the July 2021 Board meeting, the IMC provided an interim report and an executive summary.  Both documents are attached.  The interim report is document #28.  It is an interim report, not the final report.  It is the final document for the July meeting, not the final document of the committee.


The interim report makes a number of recommendations:


The IMC also noted in its July interim report that there would need to be changes to Bylaws 33, 36, and 38 related to the role of the permanent IMC and the role of the Treasurer.  Recommended wording is provided in the attached interim report.  Consideration of these recommended changes would occur at the January 2022 Board meeting.


So, to your specific questions.  My responses assume that the recommendations of the current IMC are approved in January.  If that does not occur, my responses will likely be different.


Would someone please explain [the Treasurer’s] role in investment activity.

The Treasurer would be a non-voting member of the permanent Investment Advisory Committee.  That committee would be responsible for monitoring the activities and results of the external money management company.


Will the new Treasurer have any impact in the selection of who is managing the investments?
The current Treasurer (me) is on the IMC.  One of the duties of the current IMC is to conduct an RFP process to evaluate and recommend an external money management company.   So, the new Treasurer will not have any impact on that recommendation.  However, the new Treasurer will be on the permanent IMC which has monitoring responsibilities of the money management company and will report to the Board.  So he or she will have input on any future changes to the manager.


Will the new Treasurer be in any way involved in determining what investments are utilized? If so, how?

The Investment Policy Statement sets guardrails on what types of investments that are permitted and not permitted.  The new money management company will be subject to those guardrails.  The current IMC is evaluating and recommending a money management company that will have full discretion to make specific investments, subject to the IPS.  So, for example, the IPS says that our portfolio should have 65% +/- in equity securities.  The money management company has full discretion to invest in an S&P 500 ETF or invest in Apple or invest in Bayer.  The permanent IMC will monitor the external management company and their results, but will not make investment decisions on specific investments.


Or, will the management of the investments continue to be controlled by the IMC?

Oversight of the external manager will be a responsibility of the permanent IMC.  The permanent IMC is advisory and reports to the Board.  Ultimately, the control lies with the Board, not only with respect to the IMC, but also a result of the Board’s authority over the Investment Policy Statement that sets the parameters of how the portfolio can be invested.


Rick, K7GM


Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA

Professor of Accounting

East Carolina University

Greenville, NC  27858


From: Richard Norton <richardjnorton@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 12:20 PM
To: Niswander, Rick <NISWANDERF@ecu.edu>; 'arrl-odv' <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:32754] ^_IMC^_ meetings


This email originated from outside ECU.


As I understand things, the League is expected to eventually have a new Treasurer.


Would someone please explain his or her role in investment activity.

Will the new Treasurer have any impact in the selection of who is managing the investments? Will the new Treasurer be in any way involved in determining what investments are utilized? If so, how?


Or, will the management of the investments continue to be controlled by the IMC?


Thank you.




Dick, N6AA


On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 11:28 AM, Niswander, Rick



The IMC has completed the RFP for investment management services and has issued the RFP to 15 firms.  Firms have until the middle of September to submit a response and then the committee members will individually evaluate the submissions.  The committee is unlikely to hold a Zoom meeting through the end of September. 


We will send a meeting notice once meetings start up again.


Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA

Professor of Accounting

East Carolina University

Greenville, NC  27858


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