I was in contact with each of the SMs in the Midwest Division about the proposed move of Section News right after the January meeting. One was pretty much neutral, two more or less embraced the idea, and the fourth strongly opposed it. The fourth, in fact, urged his constituents in his April Section News (submitted in February) to e-mail me their opinions. The resulting tally is now at 3 against and 2 in favor --- this from the section with the largest number of members in the division! Number four has now pretty much accepted the possibility of a change. Those who have not been in contact with their respective SMs by now about this proposal should expect a fire storm. I have received more comments about the proposed move of Section News and contest line scores than any other issue so far in my short tenure here. However, I cannot classify this overall response as anywhere close to a groundswell one way or the other. I am bothered with this sentence in the A&F Committee report, Discussing the value for the money concept with the SM group should help." There has been too much emphasis on the dollar value of this move and that has bugged many of the members who contacted me early on about this proposed move. When the money is raised, some feel they are losing out because of a cut in funding. In my responses and my talks at club meetings and hamfests I have stressed the benefits to the members of making this move and have discussed the financial aspect only when it was raised by a member. This move has to be sold on the direct benefits to the members. Those benefits are many and real! Those members who view this as a cost cutting measure think they are losing! Making this move as a financial issue is a mistake! 73, Wade W0EJ