Greg, excellent questions on the details of user access to archives.  The Digital QST report which staff submitted to A&F and the Board in July provides for expanded QST archives which will include the most current issues.  The plan provides for two separate archives: the legacy archive and the new archive of digital editions.   Your questions concerning access to the archives of the digital QST editions need to be carefully considered before finalizing a vendor agreement.


I notice on Nxtbook’s web site that they tout the feature of “Save for offline viewing” with the benefit of “Read at your convenience.”  This feature could address several of your archive questions.  Staff may want to explore the options available to allow members to download and save content offline, provided that there are digital rights management features that prevent or limit sharing.  Staff recommended no content sharing to start.  But we do need to be sensitive to insuring that members who opt out of the print edition of QST will have continued access to archives of all issues.


Cliff K0CA


From: [] On Behalf Of K0GW
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 6:28 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:20149] Electronic QST--unanswered questions about archives


While we've discussed many facets of an electronic QST, I think there is one group of questions still unanswered--what will be a user's access to the archive?

Many members have and are proud of their collection of past QST issues.  For example, at one point, I had every issue from 1963 to the present (until I started getting the CD-ROMs).  Leaving for the moment the difference in media, will members be able to "keep" their copies in the same way?  From what's been discussed so far, it appears that a member will be able to view/use the issue, but not save a digital copy.  This would mean that a user would need to be online continuously to read an issue.  Would we preclude downloading to read elsewhere offline?  Would printing be disabled? 

Would only current members be able to read archive years, while a lapsed member would be unable to review an issue, even if it was published during the time he/she was a member?  If I have a current subscription/membership, does that mean I have access to all the past issues?

I am not objecting to electronic delivery, just wondering how we should address the complicated access questions that can be raised.  Any suggestions?
        Greg, K0GW