7 JUL 2011 - 2043 CDT
This message is the last in a long series of phone calls, email
and webinars, first between the directors, then the directors and
officers, and now including the vice directors.
You will find two PDFs attached to this email. They are Draft 6 of
proposed changes to the ARRL Articles of Association and the ARRL
This final round of suggested changes before the board meeting next
includes the following items.
Articles of Association:
No further proposed changes. But the changes to this
document will be
split into two motions because the topic of one of the changes
succession) was not posted to the board before the 30 day in advance
deadline for obtaining a smaller required vote majority for
For consistency in discussion, this draft number has been rolled forward
to #6 with the one proposed later change to draft 6 to be labeled
This means there will now be two (2) motions to amend the Articles of
Association at our July board meeting.
4 In the first line, strike "$39.00 annually
worldwide" and insert
"determined by the Board of Directors, with
advice of the
Administration and Finance Committee, and shall
be". Add sentence
"Dues are currently $39.00 worldwide."
- Cliff Ahrens
7-b The word "death" has been changed back to the word
- Kay Craigie
12 Strike the second sentence and replace it with "The
League shall
reimburse their reasonable and prudent
administrative expenses and
travel expenses in accordance with travel and
expense policies
adopted by the Board of Directors." -
Jay Bellows
26 Previously proposed last sentence modified to read
"Special meetings
may be conducted using electronic methods
whereby all participants
are able to hear one another in real
time." - Dick Norton
FYI, I will be out of town all day 8 JUL, until late afternoon 9
- Dick Isely, W9GIG