In case you get any questions: ARRL Audio News Via Phone Suspended (Jun 23, 2008) -- For the near future, ARRL Audio News will not be accessible via phone at 860-594-0384. It is still available online <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> . We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope to be able to return ARRL Audio News to this delivery mode soon. Link to this item <http://www.arrl.org/?artid=8295> FYI, a non-standard card failed in the computer used for this. A new one is on order. This is a hardware problem, not a policy change. HK Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 Telephone: 860 594 0220 email: hkramer@arrl.org web: www.arrl.org/ <http://www.arrl.org/>