Ladies and Gentlemen: In accordance with Minute 32 July 2018 Board Meeting President Roderick appointed Director Tiemstra, K6JAT, Vice-Director Raisbeck, K1TWF, General Counsel Imlay, W3KD and me, IAVP Bellows, KØQB, to review the current Ethics and Election Committee Rules and suggest changes that may: ..provide a process and time frames that could strengthen timely, fair and just adjudication of ethics matters brought before the ethics committee. The authorizing motion is set out below. Attached you will find a proposal from Director, Tiemstra, Vice-Director Raisbeck and me. General Counsel Imlay chose to withdraw from the ad hoc committee. As directed by the motion this proposal is submitted for consideration by the Board. The ad hoc committee was specifically directed to consider only E&E Committee procedural rules to provide a timely, fair and just process in applying E&E Committee rules. The ad hoc committee is not expressing on the role, formation, duties or powers of the E&E Committee as set forth in the governing documents of the League. This is being sent to all 2018 and 2019 members of the ARRL Board, including Vice-Directors. Respectfully submitted, Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF Jay Bellows, KØQB, chair. Minute 32. Mr. Pace moved seconded by Mr. Frenaye that: IT IS IMPORTANT that the Ethics and Elections Committee, have established rules and time frames to ensure a proper and timely adjudication of ethics matters brought before the committee; and That the ARRL Board of Directors expects a fair and just hearing on each matter; and REVIEW of the current set of rules could provide a process and time frames that could strengthen timely, fair and just adjudication of ethics matters brought before the committee; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRL President, appoint an ad hoc committee of four (4), that would include the ARRL General Counsel, one Director, one Vice-Director and one Officer, charged with developing rules and time frames for matters dealing with ethics, and THAT the ad hoc committee prepare and submit their findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors, no later than sixty (60) days before the next meeting of the Board in January of 2019. After discussion the motion was ADOPTED by a vote of 14-0 with Mr. Norton abstaining.