Hello all,
Under a plan developed a few years back IARU Region II asks its member societies to review the Region II HF Bandplan (including 160M) triennially. We are now in that period. As was the case three years ago Kay asked the HF Band Planning committee to review member input and other factors and determine if we should recommend that ARRL propose any changes to Region II officials. To solicit input this web article was posted 7 Feb:
A few dozen comments were received. Most were of low value from an informational standpoint. Many respondents thought the current Region II bandplan was instead a proposed change and were surprised to note drastic reductions in exclusive cw, especially at 40 Meters. Our comment solicitation needs to note the difference between the Region II bandplan and ARRL's USA bandplan, which is overriding for US amateurs.
A couple salient points were raised: lack of a listed 160 Meter Center of Activity while some other bands have one, and 40 Meter SSB emcomm centers of activity where KP2/4 don't have voice privileges. The committee ultimately concluded that because Puerto Rico and USVI Field Organization officials have hardy 40M emcomm plans in place, and there is no compelling reason to add a 160M CoA now, ARRL should make no suggestions for changes to the Region II bandplan. 
Three years ago a member drew to our attention a transcription typo in which the then-current R2 bandplan had swapped an emcomm center of activity with one for another purpose. ARRL passed that on to Region II which corrected the listings. We made no further suggestions to Region II.
It's awkward to ask for input on a bandplan which our members really only have secondary interest in. However it makes the membership feel engaged, and it is good to support the review process. Three years ago I believe only ARRL and Canada's RAC provided input to Region II officials.
March 31 is the deadline for societies to report and ARRL will do so with no suggested changes. Region II will report back to societies on any proposed changes -- the HF band planning committee will take that up if/when it comes.  I'm unclear if that will be prior to or during the Region II conference coming up in Cancun this autumn.
Let me know if you have questions.  73
Bruce K0BJ  HF Band Planning committee chair for
WB8IMY staff member
K0BOG staff member