Please understand this is in no way a complaint with Dan Henderson. Both our DLAC and I see tremendous opportunity here. I received the attached note from our division's DLAC. What would it take to add affiliated clubs to the grass roots member listing by congressional districts so the clubs are included in legislative action bulletins and requests? - Bill N3LLR -----Original Message----- From: David Prestel Subj: Clubs in PA14? Date: Mon May 11, 2009 8:27 am To: n3llr@arrl.org Bill: I have sent out messages regarding House Bill HR2160 to all 100 of the 140 members in PA14 for whom we have email addresses. I asked Mr. Henderson if we had any way of identifying clubs in PA14 and he said that there was no way to do that. Something to think about for the future: Get lists of clubs for each of the House and Senate districts in the Atlantic Division. While our 501(c)3 status prevents the League from lobbying folks who are not members, nothing would prevent Joe or Jane Ham from speaking up about legislation at their local club meeting. Dave