Andy, Yes. I didn't mention it but my webmaster is an AD. Money well spent! :-) Coy -- Coy Day, N5OK 20685 SW 29 Union City, OK 73090 405-483-5632 Andy Oppel wrote:
We have a Division Webmaster who has an AD appointment. There isn't any other official title at the Division level we can give him. And by the way, he does really great work - have a lot here: www.pdarrl.org
-- Andy Oppel
At 01:13 PM 11/15/2006, Joel Harrison
Hi Bruce,
I wonder what the value of an "Assistant Director" is today, given the communication capabilities we now have.
Now, I'm not suggesting there is a problem with our current arrangement or advocating any change, I'm just asking the question as it has been several years since I was a Director and had direct involvement with AD's and I really don't know how you guys use them these days.
Coming up with a "perk" can be tough. Obviously if they serve the League we want to acknowledge that service with something, but beyond a League callsign badge, certificate and the ARRL Letter I really don't have any thoughts on what would be appropriate.
I'd also be interested in hearing what the other Directors are doing these days as well.
73 Joel W5ZN
---------- From: Bruce Frahm K0BJ [mailto:bfrahm@st-tel.net] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:06 PM To:
Subject: [arrl-odv:14788] AD perks
I'm making some Assistant Director changes after Wade's passing. Now that the ARRL Letter is widely available, one of the past perks of being an AD is no longer anything special. In fact, is there much more than the appointment itself that is inherently of value and received by all ADs?
I've been thinking it might be good to send them copies of IN. This would be somewhat equivalent to reception of the ARRL Letter in the past. This could be accomplished by manually forwarding to them, or maybe we could and would want to set it up to occur automatically from Hq.
Do we have any policies or reasons for NOT spreading IN beyond the staff and board family? Also I'd be interested in hearing of any things you do especially for ADs, either here or offline to <mailto:bfrahm@st-tel.net>bfrahm@st-tel.net
73 Bruce K0BJ