David Willie F. Henderson's, WD5AHH, FCC license expired 3.31.2008 and was canceled 4.1.2010. The ARRL membership records show he has an Associate Life Membership. Does such a membership exist? No one with his name and birth date holds a Texas DL; no one with his name holds a Texas voter registration card or pays property taxes in the State. There are no ARRL Members with street addresses in Zapata County, Texas or with known telephone numbers. We have contacted ARRL Members who are connected to a neighboring fire department and who may have contacts with the local Sheriff to determine if anyone knows anyone who knows Mr. Henderson. Note that Claude M. Maer, W0IC, is listed twice in the provided spreadsheet. Does this mean he is 200 years old or that we owe him two plaques? 😁 ______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *______________________________________* On 4/14/21 4:56 PM, Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) wrote:
Good afternoon everyone.
After much research and chagrin, attached is the list of members we have very good reason to believe are living centenarians and are eligible for the Centurion Award.
Please let me know if you can use other means at your disposal (local clubs, etc.) to confirm. Once you’ve confirmed, let me know and I will have plaques made.
I believe EC would like to make a PR splash about this so coordination will be important.
_______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org https://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv