Hi all:
As the year comes to a close, I'd like to
ask for your help by making a donation to the League if you have not already
done so this year. You know how important it is when we are seeking donations
to be able to say that all of us on the Board have made a monetary donation. I
realize that as volunteers we already donate so much of our time and effort,
but it's important for us to support our development efforts by making a monetary
donation, as well.
We have done pretty good overall but we
are not at 100% Board participation. I've made my donation and I'm asking you to
step up to the plate and do the same. It's easy to make a donation on our
website. It won't take but a couple of minutes. Click on the link below:
Please help us achieve 100% ARRL Board
Thanks, and Happy New Year!
Rick - K5UR