21 Jan
21 Jan
5:15 a.m.
Looks good to me, Chris. 73, Bernie-N3EFN -----Original Message----- From: W3KD@aol.com [mailto:W3KD@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:27 PM To: arrl-odv Cc: prinaldo@arrl.org; w9jj@arrl.org Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10008] Article 25 Petition Draft -- Corrected Already a correction. Sorry. I had failed to delete a note to myself at the end after the signature line. Here is a corrected version of the petition. I have not re-sent the appendix, however. Chris --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.561 / Virus Database: 353 - Release Date: 1/13/04