IN-Newsletter Vol. 40, No. 2 January 21, 2015 - Covers the period January 4-17. CEO Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ CEO staff is working on wrapping-up another successful Board meeting. A special thank you to Greg Kwasowski for driving the van; to Clare and Nicole Isakson for helping with the Board books; to Gail Iannone for helping with the goodie table in the lobby and to Monique Levesque and Sani Zanovic for setting and arranging things for the Committee meetings. I want to especially acknowledge and thank Andy Shefrin for working with the Marriott technicians in making all presentation and computer equipment run like a charm. Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD We are pleased to welcome our 171st Maxim Society member, Paul Horenstein, K2PH, from New City, NY. 2014 Fiscal Year Revenue Results: Spectrum Defense Fund $286,203 Diamond Club $392,001 (gross) Education & Technology $59,664 plus an additional $58,151 from 5 donors to support the Teachers Institute program Second Century Campaign $1,085,910.24 was contributed in 2014; total cash gifts & commitments to date are $7,559,494.66. Total contributions received in 2014 including the above funds, SCC, various other funds & unrestricted totaled $2,166,226. The ARRL Foundation held its annual meeting via teleconference on January 20, 2015. Officers voted by the board are: Tom Frenaye, K1KI, President, George R. Isely, W9GIG, Vice President, Rick Niswander, K7GM, Treasurer, and Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD, Secretary. The Board also welcomed new Foundation Director, Jim Pace, K7CEX, who is filling the vacant ARRL Board position left by Cliff Ahrens, KØCA. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Bob Allison extensively updated the ARRL Procedure Manual and posted the new revision on our web site. The manual reflects the new equipment installed in the screen room and changes made to test methods. Bob Allison started testing a modern HF/6 Meter transceiver. The receiver is unusual since it uses different conversion methods, depending on the Amateur band used. Testing is progressing smoothly. Bob re-tested a 10 meter only transceiver that he is reviewing, RFI Mike Gruber completed the EMC Committee report for Chairman Kermit Carlson, W9XA. This report was assimilated from input from other Committee members plus sections that detailed Mike's activities in the Lab. Mike continued the investigation of the noise that has been plaguing W1HQ. At this point, the noise appears to be caused by new HVAC system. It goes away when the system is shut down, and reappears when it is powered back up. The actual source of the noise appears to be motors associated with machinery on the roof. Rain and bad weather have so far prohibited further investigation in this area and it remains ongoing. Another source of power line noise was located and called in to CL&P's customer service. This source appears to have been fixed. In fact, they replaced an entire cross arm on a pole. Mike tested some power supplies for conducted emissions. This testing was for Gordon Beattie, and included measurements with a low impedance RF point added to the output side of the load. This caused the conducted emissions to increase, which is a phenomenon we had recently discovered in the Lab. Mike compiled a list of questions for filing on-line RFI complaints. Mike continued working on the EMC Pocket Guide scheduled for March. Web Zack Lau fixed a half dozen broken links on the Antenna Project web pages. Like AOL Hometown, Verizon Personal Web Space pages are no more-they officially went away on September 30th, 2014. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Each year, a new ARRL Field Day logo is introduced to help promote our biggest, annual on-air operating event. Sue Fagan is wrapping-up a design for the 2015 logo, with creative input from Jackie Ferreira, Matt Wilhelm, Dan Henderson, and Bob Inderbitzen. Jackie is also readying Field Day merchandise which will include the popular Field Day t-shirts and pins. A follow-up promotion featuring the 2015 ARRL Handbook, mailed in December, contributed an additional 488 orders. Combined sales for the original and follow-up mailings totaled $137,549, with a net profit (after all mailing costs and cost-of-goods) of $82,240. Website graphics have been produced to help promote School Club Roundup, the Southeastern Division Convention, and the ARRL DX Contests. We have approved the first mailings supporting our new affinity program with Liberty Mutual Auto and Home Insurance. The program will be launched in February-and replaces the MetLife program. 2014 was a strong year for the ARRL Visa Credit Card program, administered by US Bank. There were over 400 new accounts and earnings for ARRL of over $53,000 ($40,986 in 2013). Yvette Vinci prepared the email notification for the February 2015 digital edition of QST, distributed to ARRL members on Friday, January 9. The distribution list included 114,632 members. The emailing included a 2014 Year In Review, suggested by Harold Kramer and prepared by Steve Ford. A reminder emailing was sent to members on Monday, January 19 with a summary of "What's trending" in February QST-taking advantage of some early analytics shared by Alli Barbieri. The notification was sent to 115,159 members. This is the third month for this newly introduced "reminder" emailing which has significantly increased readership and page views. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 1/16/2015 746 911 1/9/2015 1,052 487 12/31/2014 (short week/inventory) 919 487 12/24/2014 (short week) 1,024 608 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and forwarded the monthly Official Observer summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Several reports of illegal CB type of equipment for sale on the internet were received. A report of continued operation by an unlicensed operator was received from Western New York and this is being checked out. Questions dealt with during the week included overseas operations, operation by a foreign ham in the US, operation by radio amateurs outside of their license privileges and excessively wide AM signals heard on 75 meters. Leona Adams reports that Dan Pruitt, AE6SX, the Section Manager of San Joaquin Valley has been nominated to run for another term of office. Mike Katz, N7MSK, of Reno, has been nominated to run for the Section Manager's position in Nevada. Nominations for the spring election cycle are due at Headquarters by March 6, and new terms of office are scheduled to begin July 1. Meanwhile, members in Arizona, Iowa and Wyoming are returning their Section Manager election ballots to Headquarters. The receipt deadline is February 20, and the ballots will be counted on February 24. The new terms of office for the winter election cycle begin on April 1. Steve Ewald compiled and submitted the Field Organization Reports for March QST, and 2014 Simulated Emergency Test reports from around the country continue to arrive in advance of the early February receipt deadline. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 2/16 Holiday Bob Allison 2/17-2/20 PTO Steve Capodicasa 1/26 PTO `` 2/9 PTO `` 2/17 PTO Mike Gruber 2/9-2/13 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Bob Inderbitzen 2/12-2/17 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Harold Kramer 2/12-2/17 Orlando Hamcation, Orlando, FL/PTO Diane Petrilli 1/26-1/30 PTO Barry Shelley 2/4-2/6 PTO