Good point, Andy. Riley had an interference case that he was going to move on, but it looked like a setup and Dan Henderson suggested that to Riley, who backed off. Riley is looking at Winlink spam now, however. Cross' opinion is that the only easy fix to Winlink control issues is to have local control over the PMBOs.
Chris W3KD

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Oppel <>
To:; arrl-odv <>
Sent: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:02 pm
Subject: Re: WINLINK PMBOs -- On the air or not?

One other facet of the story is that, according to Steve Waterman, those who have developed an intense dislike for Winlink (i.e. Skip Teller's cronies) camp out on the Winlink frequencies and wait to be interfered with so they will have cause to complain.  I have no way of verifying the allegation, but frankly, it wouldn't surprise me.  I wonder if members of the Winlink Design Team sense that they will be targeted in particular and thus they have shut their PMBOs down?

--  Andy Oppel, N6AJO

At 11:01 AM 1/21/2008, wrote:
Please keep this confidential, as it deals with my Board Report, which is confidential.

It is necessary to clarify item 18, page 23, paragraph 3, dealing with WINLINK 2000 PMBOs. I had stated that: "(a)ccording to Dan Henderson, most of these HF PMBOs have been taken off the air due to the regulatory compliance issues." Director Norton took it upon himself to contact Steve Waterman, the most vocal advocate of WINLINK 2000, and Steve took issue with the assertion.

And for good reason. Dan had actually said something quite different, and I mistook his statement to me.

What Dan had actually said was that, of the PMBOs operated by the original WINLINK Design Team, all but one has taken his or her HF PMBO off the air due to regulatory compliance concerns. Dan stands behind that statement, though he is not a WINLINK operator and does not have first hand knowledge of the fact, his information is believed reliable.

I apologize for the misunderstanding, which was mine and not Dan's. Thanks also to Director Norton for researching and correcting the error. However, it is noteworthy that the control issues inherent in WINLINK 2000 that the Board was briefed about in July have apparently not been addressed (except by Mr. Waterman, who has consistently denied that there is an issue), and the Board's offer, last July, to assist in addressing the control and other compliance issues has not been accepted by anyone, to my knowledge or that of Hollingsworth or Cross. The point of Item 18 of my report was that the control issues that are at least perceived to exist by Hollingsworth (and Cross) have not been addressed, and apparently are of sufficient concern to the WINLINK Design team that they have taken steps to protect their own licenses by taking their own PMBOs off the air.

73, Chris W3KD

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