Hi, Chris,
I speak for the ARRL in that we appreciate your concern for the COVID-19 risks involved with the Melbourne hamfest.
Please understand that this is not an "ARRL Sponsored" event - this is an ARRL Sanctioned hamfest and convention run by the Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Society, PCARS, in the Melbourne City Auditorium, a municipal facility. The use of our logos reflect this and neither implies liability on behalf of the ARRL, as you stated.
It is my responsibility, as Director for the Southeastern Division, to sanction hamfests on behalf of the ARRL, as I did for this event. Given that this hamfest is a lawful assembly operated by an affiliated club, operating prudently in a public facility, I see no reason not to sanction this event.
Before sanctioning, I corresponded with PCARS officials and spoke with the Melbourne Municipal Auditorium to verify the schedule.
I verified that this event will be held in accordance with all local and State laws in effect at the time of the event. As of this moment, that means that everyone must wear a mask and maintain social distancing, but that may change depending upon governmental regulation and the PCARS organization's preferences.
Again, thank you for your concern, but this event would likely go on with or without the ARRL Sanction. The choice whether or not to have a hamfest lies entirely with the organizing body, just as your attendance or participation is entirely up to you.
You might want to reach out to the Melbourne Hamfest Chair, Greg Bowman, N4EN, copied on this message. He keeps up to date on the site and the situation.
You might also contact the Melbourne City Auditorium. It appears that they have events almost every week, ongoing, between now and the Hamfest.
Unless things change, I anticipate attending, likely wearing personal protective equipment and using due caution.
Be safe.
Mickey Baker, N4MB
Director, Southeastern Division
Phone: 561 320-2775
I haven't heard back from you regarding the position of ARRL with respect to sponsorship of the Melbourne Hamfest and ARRL Southern Florida Division Convention in a COVID-19 hotspot. Have you had a chance to get an opinion on this from League council? As a long time ARRL member, I'm very concerned for the health and safety of my fellow amateurs if they participate in an event where adequate social distancing is unlikely to exist. The official sponsorship of this event by the national organization for amateur radio does not seem logical to me.
The sponsorship by ARRL and the use of ARRL official logos is an implicit endorsement of the event by the League. Does this not run contrary to the official ARRL COVID-19 policy (We hope everyone is adhering to CDC and local health department guidelines by staying home, maintaining safe distances when around people, and following sanitary practices.)? I question the action of the League with respect to this event.
I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about the position of ARRL with respect to the sponsorship of large gatherings during the nationwide COVID-19 pandemic.