Good evening from HQ. Thanks to the work of Tom Hogerty the Education campaign link on the website is active. While a photo of the newest gift - a clock bearing the program logo - is not yet on the site, all other elements are there. I encourage you take a look. The first wave of the mail campaign will begin the week of March 25, reaching more than 166,000 members. Follow up letters will mail later in April to targeted segment of our membership. A new brochure encouraging corporate matching contributions is being prepared to accompany all acknowledgement letter for this campaign and every contribution from now on. I'll will send copies to you when they are printed. Look for the full color promotional ad and the full page "thank you" to Defense Fund donors in the April QST. Mary KB1HYD You're invited...to inspire the next generation to enjoy Amateur Radio. The power of Amateur Radio will be expanded into the classroom to dramatically improve education in math, science, geography, social studies, economics and more. Join this landmark effort by making the most generous contribution when you receive a letter this month. Thank you. Mary M. Hobart, KB1HYD Chief Development Officer ARRL 225 Main Street Newington CT 06111 Tel: 860-594-0397 email:mhobart@arrl.org