Greetings. Over the past few days, the Elections and Ethics Committee has been adjudicating the candidacy for election of Carl Stevenson, WK3C as Director of the Atlantic Division.
The Committee has found Carl to be disqualified pursuant to Article 11 of the Articles of Association. Carl has repeatedly stated his intention to ask the Executive Committee to review this decision, and he has threatened litigation repeatedly in connection with this unless he is found eligible. I have now received correspondence from Carl's attorney asking specifically that we not announce any disqualification of Carl, pending adjudication of his candidacy and any further appeals. She indicates that any such disclosure will harm Carl's business and his client relations. Without commenting on this argument, it makes sense not to walk into this trap. It also makes good sense, since Carl has made a serious, credible threat of litigation, to not talk to him, because anything we say to him will be used against him.
I would recommend, subject to anything that Jim Haynie has to say to you about the matter, that no one associated with ARRL communicate about Carl's eligibilty to anyone at all, including Carl. I have told Carl that I have recommended that no officers, directors or staff communicate with him about the election issues, because of his threat of litigation. I have also told him that I can't communicate with him further except through his attorney, due to my ethical obligations.
Carl is expected to avail himself of the opportunity to have the E&E Committee's finding reviewed by the Executive Committee very soon. His deadline for submission of materials is next Friday, September 2.
73, Chris W3KD