Hello Carla;

       Document #28, The report of the CEO Search Committee was made
available to Directors, Officers and Vice-Directors by DropBox, the notification
of the posting to DropBox was emailed directly to those who have access.

       Document #16, the EMC Committee report is still being edited and will
be uploaded overnight.

                   Thank You

                          Kermit Carlson W9XA

On Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 1:06:27 PM CDT, Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <cpereira@arrl.org> wrote:

Dear Officers, Directors and Vice Directors:


As we are now three days away from the July Board meeting, please be advised we are still awaiting the following reports:


Doc. #4                        iii) Second Vice President Vallio

Doc. #5                        iv) International Affairs Vice President Stafford

Doc. #12                       iii) Programs & Services Committee, Mr. Holden, Chair

Doc. #13                       iv) Ethics & Elections Committee, Mr. Hopengarten, Chair

Doc. #16                       vii) EMC Committee, Mr. Carlson, Chair

Doc. #20                       xi) LoTW Committee, Mr. Niswander, Liaison

Doc. #24                       xv) Legislative Advocacy Committee, Mr. Tiemstra, Chair

Doc. #28                       xix) CEO Search Committee, Mr. Carlson, Chair

Doc. #29                       xx) Emergency Management Director Selection Committee, Mr. Hippisley, Chair


Please forward your reports to Dee as soon as they are ready and they will be posted straight away. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation.



Carla Pereira, KC1HSX

Executive Manager


Newington, CT 06111




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